queryverse / ElectronDisplay.jl

An Electron.jl based figure and table display.
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Merge `ElectronDisplayType` and `ElectronDisplayConfig`? #21

Closed tkf closed 5 years ago

tkf commented 5 years ago

While writing #20, I started feel a bit uneasy that global state CONFIG is changing the code path in many locations now. It would be nice to refactor ElectronDisplay to make the core code paths reference only local data.

So, how about moving configurations into ElectronDisplayType like this

mutable struct ElectronDisplayType <: Base.AbstractDisplay

or, alternatively, store ElectronDisplayConfig in ElectronDisplayType:

mutable struct ElectronDisplayConfig

struct ElectronDisplayType <: Base.AbstractDisplay

One benefit would be that this lets us run electrondisplay with specific configurations only for one call without touching the global configuration ElectronDisplay.CONFIG. For example, 2-arg electrondisplay(mime, x) can be changed to something like this:

electrondisplay(mime, x; options...) =
    display(ElectronDisplayType(; options...), mime, x)

1-arg electrondisplay(x) is a bit more non-trivial but I think a similar idea can be applied. Another benefit is that the tests can invoke different code paths without mutating CONFIG.

What do you think? Is it a reasonable way to refactor ElectronDisplay?

davidanthoff commented 5 years ago

In general I like it, but I think it would be nice to still be able to change the global config, right? But we could just make the default ElectronDisplayType pick up the existing global CONFIG object, right?

So for example change this line to:

Base.Multimedia.pushdisplay(ElectronDisplayType(CONFIG ))


Then all the code that access the config could entirely avoid the global variable, but one could still use the existing API to set configs globally?

tkf commented 5 years ago

Yes, I think it makes sense to keep ElectronDisplay.CONFIG. I think we can do it without breaking the public API. Maybe something like

Base.@kwdef mutable struct ElectronDisplayType <: Base.AbstractDisplay
    showable = electron_showable
    single_window::Bool = false
    focus::Bool = true

const CONFIG = ElectronDisplayType()

function __init__()


struct ElectronDisplayType <: Base.AbstractDisplay

ElectronDisplayType() = ElectronDisplayType(CONFIG)

function __init__()
    Base.Multimedia.pushdisplay(ElectronDisplayType())  # same as what we have now
davidanthoff commented 5 years ago

Yep, I think that would work great. The second option, where we keep ElectronDisplayConfig seems slightly cleaner to me.