questdb / py-questdb-client

Python client for QuestDB InfluxDB Line Protocol
Apache License 2.0
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Sticky Ingress Cast Error #89

Open nicholas-a-guerra opened 1 month ago

nicholas-a-guerra commented 1 month ago

Whenever a cast error is correctly detected like below:

questdb.ingress.IngressError: Could not flush buffer: failed to parse line protocol:errors encountered on line(s):
error in line 5: table: ems, column: Inverters_Grid_Form_Count; cast error from protocol type: INTEGER to column type: STRING [id: a534380fdebc-58, code: invalid, line: 5]

then no correction to the data type within the database is able to recover the client.

To reproduce follow these steps:

At this point, the same cast error will continue to prevent ingestion and won't recover even though the column type is now corrected. Once the client is completely restarted then the cast error will no longer get raised.

QuestDB Version: 8.0.0: QuestDB Python Client Version: 2.0.3