quetwo / railoWebSocketServer

WebSocket engine for the Railo CFML engine. Tunnels connections over existing HTTP, so you don't need to open additional firewall or application ports.
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WebsocketWatcher.cfc doesn't receive messages on channel #4

Open sfeldkamp opened 8 years ago

sfeldkamp commented 8 years ago

Using http://www.websocket.org/echo.html I am able to send and receive an echo messages on a channel for my lucee instance.

I am also able to add a WebSocket Driver Event Gateway. The WebsocketWatcher.cfc is instantiated successfully when the server starts, and does have a wsEndpoint java object instantiated. It does start running and it does not stop.

However, it never receives any messages from the wsEndpoint java object while it is running.

Not from the echo test client, not from sendGatewayMessage() and not from instantiating the wsEndpoint java class and calling sendMessage() on it.

Any ideas as to what could be going on?

The channel it is configured to watch is "statusboard". The channel the echo test is running on is "ws://server:port/wsEndpoint/statusboard" where server is my domain name and port is my tomcat webserver port.

sfeldkamp commented 8 years ago

It appears to me that the behavior is what you would expect when a channel is not being "watched". That is; it just echoes messages to all clients.

That said, we are abandoning use of websockets for now. If I get some free time I will try to dig into the project further.