quick-perf / quickperf

QuickPerf is a testing library for Java to quickly evaluate and improve some performance-related properties
Apache License 2.0
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make @Profile JVM display young gc collections #81

Closed ubaid4j closed 4 years ago

ubaid4j commented 4 years ago


 ALLOCATION (estimations)     |   GARBAGE COLLECTION           |  THROWABLE
 Total       : 58.1 MiB       |   Total pause: 115.252 ms      |  Exception: 0
 Inside TLAB : 46.7 MiB       |   Longest GC pause: 71.420 ms  |  Error: 0
 Outside TLAB: 11.4 MiB       |   Old: 0                       |  Throwable: 0
 Allocation rate: 272.8 MiB/s |   Young: 2                     |
 COMPILATION                  |   CODE CACHE
 Number: 0                    |   The number of full code cache events: 0
 Longest: 0                   |   
jeanbisutti commented 4 years ago

It's perfect! Thanks a lot!