quickapps / cms

Modular CMS powered by CakePHP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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issues on: seo tools, media manager, ckeditor, js links #11

Closed Gabri closed 12 years ago

Gabri commented 12 years ago

I've made a new fresh install (at 12:00 am more or less). I've downloaded all modules from github using the zip links. I've found these problems:

  1. on installing and activating seo tools module I have no problems, i can edit settings too but I receive an error page with this message when I click on the menu "Seo Tools" in the back office top bar (/admin/seo_tools/urls): "Missing Database Table Error: Table qa_seo_tools_urls for model SeoUrl was not found in datasource default. Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create /home/gabri/workspace/quickapps/View/Errors/missing_table.ctp" Note: But after reinstalling it (and tried other things) now I have "just" a 500 internal server error on url: admin/seo_tools/urls
  2. a problem on media manager, I see an error (url path I presume) on loading this js: mediamanager/js/elfinder/i18n/elfinder.en.js When I try to add a new directory I have an error message that disappear almost immediately on confirming the name "invalid backend configuration" and no folder is created (it seems not a problem of permissions on filesystem). But I had no problems uploading images (both in "slider" than "uploads" dir)
  3. in backoffice login page url to js are not valid: /js/jquery.js and not (like frontend) /system/js/jquery.js (the same for quickapps.js)
  4. I believe there is a problem on js urls on something regarding ckeditor too When I try to add a new image clicking on the image button, then i click on "find on server" (more or less), this open a new browser page with "finder" as output but a lot of js errors (files not found) I can see this js error on loading a page (in backend) with ckeditor enabled (but maybe it's not a big problem): uncaught exception: [CKEDITOR.editor] The instance "FieldDataFieldText3Data" already exists.

Thanks for your work

quickapps commented 12 years ago

Well, I think I have fixed all the issues,

  1. This was caused by an incorrect table creation on install process. (Due to the new cake 2.1 version I believe).
  2. I have added a php code that does not include the language .js if it does not exists. Also, the folder creation issues was caused by pressing Intro key after write the folder name. (fixed)
  3. 1aa01c9675b2ad86a133541d30fb577f8c171bd6 more issues :S
  4. This was caused by an incorrect path to jquery lib....yes, 1aa01c9675b2ad86a133541d30fb577f8c171bd6 again =)

Checks that everything works fine to close this ticket.


Gabri commented 12 years ago

Everything work fine except the point one. With a fresh new install and the new module Seo Tool I had the same result the first time I clicked on the link in the top bar: Missing Database Table Error: Table qa_seo_tools_urls for model SeoUrl was not found in datasource default. Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create /home/gabri/workspace/quickapps/View/Errors/missing_table.ctp Stack Trace APP/Cake/Model/Model.php line 3334 → Model->setSource(string) APP/Cake/Model/Model.php line 1277 → Model->getDataSource() APP/Cake/Model/Model.php line 1363 → Model->schema() APP/Model/Behavior/WhoDidItBehavior.php line 49 → Model->hasField(string) APP/Cake/Model/BehaviorCollection.php line 145 → WhoDidItBehavior->setup(SeoUrl, array) APP/Cake/Model/BehaviorCollection.php line 68 → BehaviorCollection->load(string, array) APP/Cake/Model/Model.php line 723 → BehaviorCollection->init(string, array) APP/Model/AppModel.php line 23 → Model->construct(array, null, null) [internal function] → AppModel->construct(array) APP/Cake/Utility/ClassRegistry.php line 161 → ReflectionClass->newInstance(array) APP/Cake/Controller/Controller.php line 710 → ClassRegistry::init(array) APP/Cake/Controller/Controller.php line 367 → Controller->loadModel(string) APP/Cake/Controller/Component/PaginatorComponent.php line 237 → Controller->__isset(string) APP/Cake/Controller/Component/PaginatorComponent.php line 117 → PaginatorComponent->_getObject(string) APP/Cake/Controller/Controller.php line 1058 → PaginatorComponent->paginate(string, array, array) CORE/quickapps/Modules/SeoTools/Controller/UrlsController.php line 26 → Controller->paginate(string) [internal function] → UrlsController->admin_index() APP/Cake/Controller/Controller.php line 484 → ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(UrlsController, array) APP/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php line 104 → Controller->invokeAction(CakeRequest) APP/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php line 86 → Dispatcher->_invoke(UrlsController, CakeRequest, CakeResponse) CORE/quickapps/webroot/index.php line 47 → Dispatcher->dispatch(CakeRequest, CakeResponse)

Then I tried to uninistall it and i had this error (admin/system/modules/uninstall/SeoTools): Notice (8): Undefined variable: Installer [CORE/quickapps/Modules/SeoTools/Controller/Component/InstallComponent.php, line 39] Notice (8): Trying to get property of non-object [CORE/quickapps/Modules/SeoTools/Controller/Component/InstallComponent.php, line 39] Notice (8): Trying to get property of non-object [CORE/quickapps/Modules/SeoTools/Controller/Component/InstallComponent.php, line 39] Fatal error: Call to a member function getDataSource()...

The second time trying to uninstall I had this message: Module does not exists.

After that I delete manually all files on Modules/SeoTools and i put on it the files from the zip ...and strangely now seems to work :)

quickapps commented 12 years ago

Hmm, for some reason it fails when debug = 0, I think it is a problem related to cake's cache files. If you manually delete all the models cache (tmp/cache/models) it get solved. I'll keep looking.