quicksilver / GoogleChrome-qsplugin

Quicksilver Google Chrome plugin
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Trouble with Multiple Chrome Users (Profiles) #16

Open VoidmainCom opened 11 years ago

VoidmainCom commented 11 years ago

If you have multiple profiles setup in chrome the plugin may fail when first installed if no "Default" profile is available.

Version: 1.1.6

  1. Go to chrome://settings/
  2. Make sure you have multiple users setup
  3. Install quicksilver and chrome plugin

Result: 4/16/13 8:49:10.291 PM Quicksilver[26241]: Error while copying /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data to /var/folders/k0/kgsy09y56ssg_1vt7f1jwzvw0000gn/T/Web Data: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Web Data” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo=0x10bd02240 {NSFilePath=/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data, NSUnderlyingError=0x1062179d0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"}

In my install of chrome, it is not using a folder called "Default" like

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data

Instead the folder are structured like this

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/{Profile x}/Web Data

For example i have two folders ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 1/Web Data ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 3/Web Data


  1. Create a copy of the preset under catalog/plugins/chrome/*/info/attributes.
  2. Select the info button
  3. Edit the source location to use the profile you want.

It would be nice if the plugin first found all of the active profiles and added them.

Regardless, nice work.

VoidmainCom commented 11 years ago

Issue updated as I noticed how to make the change in the UI.

ndreas commented 11 years ago

I have not created any specific functionality for supporting multiple profiles or profiles that have changed the name, that's why it didn't work. I may look into supporting multiple profiles, but it's not a trivial operation. Meanwhile, your workaround is an ok solution.

studgeek commented 11 years ago

It would be nice if the plugin just had an optional attribute for profile directory. That would allow it to work with different profiles and also with Chrome Canary. As an added bonus, you could do a "Create Copy" of the preset catalog entry and point that copy to a different profile. So a user could set QS up to scan multiple profiles.

For bonus points it would use the directory name to launch those links in the right profile (see http://superuser.com/questions/377186/how-do-i-start-chrome-using-a-specified-user-profile).

For super bonus points it would look at the containing folder to see if it should use Google Chrome or Google Chrome Canary as the application name for open.

I'll add my current work around is to create a symbolic link at Chrome/Default to the appropriate profile in Chrome or in Chrome Canary. That doesn't give me automatic opening of the right browser of course.

ndreas commented 11 years ago

It's already possible to create copies of the catalog entries, and I think it would be best not to duplicate any settings that can already be changed in the catalog. Now, the default entries are not editable which is unfortunate, but there's evidently some discussion regarding removing that limitation: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/blacktree-quicksilver/PI7uueh5YX4. I'd like to wait to see if that gets changed before I try to build something custom.

Regarding using multiple profiles at the same time, it's not possible currently. What can be done is to add sources for all the different profiles, including Chrome Canary, but it's not possible to open links from those sources in the correct profile. The plugin uses Scripting Bridge to talk to Chrome, and there's no interface at all where I can set the profile. This also affects AppleScript; there are bugs submitted to Chromium's issue tracker which address this problem.

studgeek commented 10 years ago

Any thoughts/progress on adding bookmarks across all profiles (even if they always open in the default browser)?

ndreas commented 10 years ago

Since I don't use multiple profiles myself I have only looked at this briefly. I think the best option is to copy the source for the bookmarks in Quicksilver's settings and point it to the other profile's bookmarks file.

timvisher commented 8 years ago

Just realized this limitation myself. It would be very cool if this could be made to work.

studgeek commented 8 years ago

FYI, The Chrome feature request for supporting profiles is at https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=174117

studgeek commented 8 years ago

For others, here are the steps for adding bookmarks from another profile manually. It turns out that copies of presets are happily editable.

Here is how to find your profile path: http://www.howtogeek.com/255653/how-to-find-your-chrome-profile-folder-on-windows-mac-and-linux/