quicksilver / Quicksilver

Quicksilver Project Source
Apache License 2.0
2.73k stars 285 forks source link

fix version string #2719

Closed n8henrie closed 2 years ago

n8henrie commented 2 years ago
pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

@n8henrie - can you change this part back?

Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 07 58 56

See my commit yesterday: dcd754e0b51a090ca980e2888b4ef2e7feb7162e

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

If this works, then let's merge this and get 2.0.3 out. I inadvertently broke the updater again... see #2715 - we should really set up more unit tests :'(

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

can you change this part back?

Done: https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver/actions/runs/2112256934

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

Great. Looks like this is building correctly. Can you confirm, and also that the plist is correct? If so, then feel free to merge and we can get 2.0.3 out

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

LGTM, though maybe I should cross-reference "LSMinimumSystemVersion" => "10.14" with another recent issue.

Screen Shot 2022-04-07 at 19 10 04
$ plutil -p Info.plist
  "BuildMachineOSBuild" => "20G527"
  "CFBundleDevelopmentRegion" => "English"
  "CFBundleDocumentTypes" => [
    0 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "silver"
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile" => "silver"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Quicksilver Archive"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "Editor"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 0
    1 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "qsshelf"
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile" => "qsshelf"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Quicksilver Shelf"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "Viewer"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 0
    2 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "*"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Everything"
      "CFBundleTypeOSTypes" => [
        0 => "****"
        1 => "fold"
        2 => "disk"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "None"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 0
    3 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "qsplugin"
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile" => "QSPlugIn"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Quicksilver Plugin"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "Editor"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 1
    4 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "qscatalogentry"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Quicksilver Catalog Entries"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "Viewer"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 0
    5 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "qspkg"
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile" => "qspkg"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Quicksilver Package"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "Viewer"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 0
    6 => {
      "CFBundleTypeExtensions" => [
        0 => "qscommand"
      "CFBundleTypeIconFile" => "qscommand"
      "CFBundleTypeName" => "Quicksilver Command"
      "CFBundleTypeRole" => "Editor"
      "LSTypeIsPackage" => 0
      "NSPersistentStoreTypeKey" => "Binary"
  "CFBundleExecutable" => "Quicksilver"
  "CFBundleHelpBookFolder" => "QSHelp"
  "CFBundleHelpBookName" => "Quicksilver Help"
  "CFBundleIconFile" => "Quicksilver"
  "CFBundleIdentifier" => "com.blacktree.Quicksilver"
  "CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion" => "6.0"
  "CFBundleName" => "Quicksilver"
  "CFBundlePackageType" => "APPL"
  "CFBundleShortVersionString" => "2.0.2"
  "CFBundleSignature" => "daed"
  "CFBundleSupportedPlatforms" => [
    0 => "MacOSX"
  "CFBundleURLTypes" => [
    0 => {
      "CFBundleURLName" => "Quicksilver Installation URL"
      "CFBundleURLSchemes" => [
        0 => "qsinstall"
    1 => {
      "CFBundleURLName" => "HTTP-POST Quicksilver Query"
      "CFBundleURLSchemes" => [
        0 => "qssp-http"
    2 => {
      "CFBundleURLName" => "HTTP-GET Quicksilver Query"
      "CFBundleURLSchemes" => [
        0 => "qss-http"
    3 => {
      "CFBundleURLName" => "Quicksilver"
      "CFBundleURLSchemes" => [
        0 => "qs"
  "CFBundleVersion" => "4030"
  "DTCompiler" => "com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0"
  "DTPlatformBuild" => "13C100"
  "DTPlatformName" => "macosx"
  "DTPlatformVersion" => "12.1"
  "DTSDKBuild" => "21C46"
  "DTSDKName" => "macosx12.1"
  "DTXcode" => "1321"
  "DTXcodeBuild" => "13C100"
  "LSArchitecturePriority" => [
    0 => "arm64"
    1 => "x86_64"
  "LSHasLocalizedDisplayName" => 1
  "LSMinimumSystemVersion" => "10.14"
  "LSUIElement" => 1
  "NSAppleEventsUsageDescription" => "Quicksilver requires this access to run certain actions and update your catalog."
  "NSAppleScriptEnabled" => 1
  "NSAppTransportSecurity" => {
    "NSAllowsArbitraryLoads" => 1
  "NSCalendarsUsageDescription" => "Create events directly from Quicksilver (only used when the 'Calendar' plugin is enabled)"
  "NSContactsUsageDescription" => "View, copy and paste information from your contacts in Quicksilver (only used when the 'Contacts' plugin is enabled)"
  "NSHumanReadableCopyright" => "Copyright © 2000-2008 Blacktree, Inc."
  "NSMainNibFile" => "MainMenu"
  "NSPrincipalClass" => "QSApp"
  "NSRemindersUsageDescription" => "Create reminders directly from Quicksilver (only used when the 'Calendar' plugin is enabled)"
  "NSServices" => [
    0 => {
      "NSKeyEquivalent" => {
        "default" => "⎋"
      "NSMenuItem" => {
        "default" => "Send to Quicksilver"
      "NSMessage" => "getSelection"
      "NSPortName" => "Quicksilver"
      "NSRequiredContext" => {
      "NSSendFileTypes" => [
        0 => "public.data"
      "NSSendTypes" => [
        0 => "NSFilenamesPboardType"
        1 => "NSFileContentsPboardType"
        2 => "NSFontPboardType"
        3 => "NSColorPboardType"
        4 => "NSHTMLPboardType"
        5 => "NSPDFPboardType"
        6 => "NSPICTPboardType"
        7 => "NSPostScriptPboardType"
        8 => "NSRulerPboardType"
        9 => "NSRTFPboardType"
        10 => "NSRTFDPboardType"
        11 => "NSStringPboardType"
        12 => "NSTabularTextPboardType"
        13 => "NSTIFFPboardType"
        14 => "NSURLPboardType"
        15 => "NSVCardPboardType"
        16 => "NSFilesPromisePboardType"
      "NSTimeout" => "5000"
      "NSUserData" => "GetSelection"
  "NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching" => 1
  "QSReleaseStatus" => 0
  "UTExportedTypeDeclarations" => [
    0 => {
      "UTTypeConformsTo" => [
        0 => "com.apple.bom-compressed-cpio"
      "UTTypeDescription" => "Quicksilver PKG"
      "UTTypeIconFile" => "QSPkg.icns"
      "UTTypeIdentifier" => "com.blacktree.qspkg"
      "UTTypeTagSpecification" => {
        "public.filename-extension" => [
          0 => "qspkg"
    1 => {
      "UTTypeConformsTo" => [
        0 => "com.apple.bundle"
      "UTTypeDescription" => "Quicksilver Plugin"
      "UTTypeIconFile" => "QSPlugIn.icns"
      "UTTypeIdentifier" => "com.blacktree.qsplugin"
      "UTTypeTagSpecification" => {
        "public.filename-extension" => [
          0 => "qsplugin"
n8henrie commented 2 years ago

v2.0.3 pushed

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

@n8henrie - looks like the DMG name is still wrong: Screenshot 2022-04-08 at 09 27 28

I've also just pushed the CHANGELOG to master, so we'll need to rebuild v2.0.3 anyway.

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

@n8henrie - looks like the DMG name is still wrong:

The DMG name (and version name as in the screenshot above) are both now derived from QS_INFO_VERSION (independent of the tag name). I should have updated that (somewhere?) before pushing, I'll delete the tag.

$ xcodebuild -destination "platform=macOS,arch=arm64" -configuration Release -scheme 'Quicksilver Distribution' -showBuildSettings 2>/dev/null | grep QS_INFO_VERSION
    QS_INFO_VERSION = 2.0.2
    QS_INFO_VERSION = 2.0.2
n8henrie commented 2 years ago


pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

Right. See Configuration/Developer.xcconfig

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

Hold up, you also need to update QS_BUNDLE_VERSION

The Release Process could do with some improving. Right now it just says:

Update the version number (ß6x) and build number (3xxx) in Developer.xcconfig

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

Hold up, you also need to update QS_BUNDLE_VERSION

Gah. I thought that automatically incremented via bltrversion -- doesn't that automatically run for QS builds (not just plugins)?

I don't even know how to type a ß :)

Hopefully this looks right: https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver/releases/tag/v2.0.3

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

Download name and version number in Finder -> Info look good.

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

That looks good :) The ß was from a time gone by. We switched away from that to regular naming conventions with v1.0 10 years ago.

We disabled bltrversion, because it was a pain to have it keep incrementing on every local build. But maybe now we have CI we can re-enable it for CI builds? Increment, commit, push back to master? @skurfer - thoughts?

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

@n8henrie - looks like the run is failing, and the bundle version is still wrong in the .dmg


n8henrie commented 2 years ago

Failed due to an identically named asset already existing. Deleted that and triggered a re-run, we'll see how that works.

As an aside, I'm also somewhat interested in adding a sha256 (or even just MD5) to the release assets. I know I've been surprised several times that GitHub doesn't automatically provide these!

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

2.0.3 looks good to me.