quicksilver / Quicksilver

Quicksilver Project Source
Apache License 2.0
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CI Builds failing #2895

Closed pjrobertson closed 2 years ago

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

@n8henrie - looks like CI builds on the main repo are failing. Yesterday and today.

Error: HTTP status code: 403. A required agreement is missing or has expired. This request requires an in-effect agreement that has not been signed or has expired. Ensure your team has signed the necessary legal agreements and that they are not expired.

From this post it looks like it’s because we need to re-sign the latest Apple Developer agreement? But the plugins seem to be building fine: https://github.com/quicksilver/elements.websearch-qsplugin/actions/runs/2536130041

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

it looks like it’s because we need to re-sign the latest Apple Developer agreement

Sounds like a likely explanation -- @skurfer can you log in at developer.apple.com and see if there is a pending notification?

But the plugins seem to be building fine

Perhaps because they don't require the notarytool stuff, which requires the back-and-forth exchange with Apple.com

skurfer commented 2 years ago

I accepted the agreement. Let me know if it didn’t work.

n8henrie commented 2 years ago

Reran the most recent job, now succeeding: https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver/actions/runs/2597336768

pjrobertson commented 2 years ago

Great! Thanks Rob :)