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QS not indexing automatically #2934

Closed zandwacht closed 10 months ago

zandwacht commented 1 year ago

My catalog is set to rescan "every 10 minutes".

That hasn't worked in over a year with several QS versions: after adding an application to my Applications folder (which is checked as a Catalog source) I always need to push the rescan button manually to update the number of indexed applications. I sometimes give it a day but rescan automatically never works.

MacOS 12.6 on intel iMac Pro, QS 2.4.0 (4039)

n8henrie commented 1 year ago

I'm seeing the same.

  1. touch /Applications/foobar.app
  2. wait (much longer than config) minutes
  3. QS -> foobar: no results
  4. Look in QS settings -> Catalog -> /Applications -> Contents -- no foobar.app
  5. Manually hit the refresh button (bottom right)
  6. foobar.app now appears in Contents and appears in QS as expected

Thanks for reporting!

James6M commented 1 year ago

Cross-linking to the blacktree-quicksilver Google forum thread about a similar issue.

skurfer commented 1 year ago

The first thing to check is whether this is only affecting entries with “Automatically update when files change” enabled. There were some changes related to that about a year ago, and I suspect it’s less reliable than the manual timer-based method.

Update: I did a quick test locally and that appears to be the issue. I created a new folder and added it to the catalog. With that setting enabled, changes don’t get picked up. With the setting disabled, the contents are updated when the 10 minute rescan happens.

lgarron commented 1 year ago

It seems I cannot uncheck "Automatically update when files change" for the built-in /Applications catalog entry.

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 20 31 26

What is everyone doing to work around this? Creating a manual custom entry for /Applications?

It would certainly be annoying to wait 10min for new applications to be available (since I'll usually want to launch them immediately after installing), but it's better than "actually never". 😛

James6M commented 1 year ago

Workaround (I can't remember where I found this): Create a Custom catalog item of the Spotlight type, with the Query kMDItemContentTypeTree == 'com.apple.application' My vague recollection is that this also worked around some problem caused by the fact that some applications are now actually stored in /System/Applications, and only seem to be in /Applications through some Finder magic. (Use 'ls' in a terminal: they aren't really there!) But I can't remember the details, nor confirm whether whatever the issue was has or hasn't been fixed.

pjrobertson commented 10 months ago

This should now be fixed thanks to 64344eeab6e95f88d464433fc5c77d8aa62ddf36

We will try to get a new release out soon. Thanks!