quietvoid / dovi_tool

dovi_tool is a CLI tool combining multiple utilities for working with Dolby Vision.
MIT License
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Seperate libdovi from dovi_tool for easier packaging #212

Closed llyyr closed 1 year ago

llyyr commented 1 year ago

opensuse for example doesn't allow cargo fetch, so you must provide vendored crates but this doesn't work because cargo will always include any and all parent Cargo.toml even if explicit --manifest-path is provided

quietvoid commented 1 year ago

By vendored crates do you mean a precompiled crate in crates.io? I don't think this is feasible for C compatible libraries built with cargo-c.

How do they handle packaging rav1e? Seems that it is done for rav1e-devel, but it's simpler as it's a single crate.

I'm not sure how to easily fix this, creating a new repo for the dolby_vision crate is annoying.

llyyr commented 1 year ago

I've managed to workaround* it by doing echo "[workspace]" >> dolby_vision/Cargo.toml instead (https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:llyyr/libdovi/libdovi.spec)

* https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/10872#issuecomment-1187326529

I'm not familiar enough with Rust's ecosystem to have useful suggestions, and it's entirely possible I'm doing something wrong here.

rav1e don't have this problem because you're already building from the parent directory

quietvoid commented 1 year ago

Right, this is the solution that works to build libdovi only.
It breaks doing anything in the parent directory as there would be multiple workspaces.

I'll have to see if removing the root workspace causes trouble, it would only make it more complicated to run all tests but this is fine.

quietvoid commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/quietvoid/dovi_tool/commit/346437f3c12017bcb5b2d8c24edeb0176ba8af02 should fix this. I don't know if you need a Cargo.lock file for the library, though. Usually they're not committed.

Probably going to have to make a new tag for this.

quietvoid commented 1 year ago

I've made the libdovi-3.1.2 tag. Normally it should work, but feel free to reopen if it doesn't.