quietvoid / hdr10plus_tool

CLI utility to work with HDR10+ in HEVC files.
MIT License
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Error: Invalid PPS index #81

Closed Anuskuss closed 1 week ago

Anuskuss commented 1 week ago
ffmpeg -i DV.mkv -c copy video.hevc
ffmpeg -i HDR10Plus.mkv -c copy -bsf hevc_mp4toannexb -f hevc - | hdr10plus_tool extract -o metadata.json -
hdr10plus_tool inject -i video.hevc -j metadata.json -o video_hdr10plus.hevc
quietvoid commented 1 week ago

You're gonna have to provide a sample file for video.hevc because I can't reproduce the issue.

Anuskuss commented 1 week ago

Turns out I messed up because as an experiment I did

ffmpeg -i dv.mkv -bsf "noise=drop=between(n\,0\,23)" -c copy -y video.hevc

to try to cut those frames out and hdr10plus_tool didn't like that. I did a fresh extract and it works now. Will duplicate those frames in metadata.json instead of cutting the video (like you suggested in #41). Sorry for the noise.