quikdraw2700 / ScrumTheBoardGame

Public artifacts for Scrum! The Board Game
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More varied Player Tokens (effort Low) #18

Open davidakoontz opened 6 years ago

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

Players want to identify their unique token quickly and without confusion (e.g. I'm the blue or pink elephant???).

Buy a larger set of tokens..

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

Is Color alone enough e.g. 12 colors of acrylic mini Meeples $12

MeepleSource.com. https://www.meeplesource.com/proddetail.php?prod=AcrylicMiniMeepleSampler

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

Option: Resource Bits like an Apple Resource Bit 25 for $8.50


other bit icons: brains, bacon, arrow, sword, bread, cow, sheep, cat, horse, etc.

quikdraw2700 commented 6 years ago

I must be more out of touch than I was aware of - never heard of a 'meeple', nor do I now know what one is... ;^)

Following the rules of Scrum, seems like we need to support around 9 maybe 10 players per game (Scrum team is 3 to 9 members). So 12 unique tokens would easily work for this goal. However at $12/12 tokens, that seems more expensive than I'd prefer. $8.50/25 is definitely better ($0.34/token vs. $1.00/token), but to get the same 9 or 10 players per game we'd need to acquire 10 (different tokens) * $8.50 = $85.00. That would provide enough player tokens for 25 games which might be about the best we can hope for. Hard to tell what the quality/durability of these tokens are from the picture, but that's not too expensive to order a couple to see.

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

@quikdraw2700 how about that, exploritory purchasing turned up this 'meeple' (my - people, mash up) in the gammer community - I really do get the sense that the future is THEIRS and we are following...

yes, I did some quick math - estimating at $100 for about 20 games, seems expensive in some sense. I guess buying bulk reduce the cost considerable. Now the Design Question: do we source parts at bulk - or at individual game level? Perhaps that's not really a binary answer...

Shall we start a list of resource providers?

I think I would buy some meeples but the deliver is not before the conference... so we need another option - going to the local craft store... they will have something.

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

19 sets of unique player tokens (10 unique animal tokens)

and extra sets with 8 or 9 tokens. All bagged up.


davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

FYI - cost of that at Joann's craft store only $20 (4 bags assorted - the zoo bag is better than the marine bag - only four fishes)

quikdraw2700 commented 6 years ago

Woohoo! Lots of game pieces.

Eventually I'd like to test player pieces that have some weight/mass, I think that will make the game more tactile, and therefore more engaging for players who value that. But these will definitely work for the event next Friday, 5/18/18. And you've already grouped them into bags of 10 which should make game assembly faster.

Thanks David!

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

img_2398 img_2397

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

I bought two different The Beadery Craft Products bags (one marine animals; one zoo animals) 4 bags $20.

The bags I got had these 9 colors:
Red Pink Orange Yellow Green light Blue dark Blue Purple Grey

(very few grey...)

10 animals in both combined bags (4 marine in bag) (6 land zoo in bag) Cammel Lion Giraffe Zebra Rino Elephant Seal Whale Turtle Purpose

Output: the 4 bags produced 19 sets of unique 10 animal player token sets; and several 8 or 9 token sets and left over pieces... for $20.

Noted the cheapest tokens in bulk may be buttons... assorted colored buttons are cheeper. Not as fun.

davidakoontz commented 6 years ago

Apparently - as shown by Milton Bradley - player tokens with some weight are worth it... e.g. the tokens in Monopoly ... The Gamers have a term Meeples (my-peoples). And many online shops sale these - about a $1+ per.