quil-lang / qvm

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Add persistent qvm + async jobs api endpoints #165

Closed appleby closed 4 years ago

appleby commented 5 years ago

This PR includes implementations of the following API methods:

No support for allocation types or noise models. Partial support for allocation types (native and foreign) and noise models (currently only Pauli channel noise). No reconfiguration of persistent QVMs. Only simulation-method (pure-state or full-density-matrix) and number of qubits are specified at creation time.

The run-program API call can act either on a persistent QVM (if passed a qvm-token parameter) or else on an ephemeral QVM (if passed simulation and allocation methods). It's interface is similar to the current multishot call, but without multiple trials. A singleshot, if you will.

API handlers are defined via a macro DEFINE-RPC-HANDLER which is similar in spirit to hunchentoot's DEFINE-EASY-HANDLER, but rather than dispatching based on the URI path, it dispatches based on the "type" field in the JSON request body, similar to the way the existing API dispatch works. Named parameters in the lambda-list of DEFINE-RPC-HANDLER are also populated from the JSON request body, as opposed to being initialized from GET/POST parameters as is the case for DEFINE-EASY-HANDLER.

This is still undercooked and woefully underdocumented, but posting now for exposure.


Resolves #39

appleby commented 5 years ago

Added some basic concurrency tests to sanity check locking around persistent QVMs. Found and fixed one bug related to calling uuid:make-v4-uuid from multiple threads.

I also had some concurrent http tests, but removed them at the last minute. It turns out its pretty hard to tickle concurrency bugs through hunchentoot for various reasons. I might add some concurrent http tests back if I can figure out how to do it in a non-fiddly way.

ecpeterson commented 5 years ago

I'm not plugged into this effort enough to give it a proper review w/o a lot of back-reading, but my passing appraisal is that it looks very good!

appleby commented 5 years ago

I'm going to continue to use this branch & PR for ongoing work, so I've slapped a work-in-progress label on it for now.

appleby commented 4 years ago

The latest commits add a SAFETY-HASH package with both a generic BORDEAUX-THREADS-based implementation and an SBCL-specific implementation that uses SBCL's :SYNCHRONIZED and WITH-LOCKED-HASH-TABLE extensions.

The following naive insert/read/delete test indicates the SBCL-specific implementation is ~2x faster on my laptop, even though (based on a cursory examination) SBCL's implementation of these extensions appears to be doing something similar to the generic BORDEAUX-THREADS implementation: namely acquiring and releasing a recursive per-hash-table lock around the standard hash-table getter/setter/remover functions (see e.g. PICK-TABLE-METHODS in sbcl/src/code/target-hash-table.lisp). Likewise, SB-EXT:WITH-LOCKED-HASH-TABLE doesn't appear to be doing anything fancy... Perhaps the key difference is that SBCL pushes the locking down as far as possible, whereas the generic BORDEAUX-THREADS impl grabs the lock higher up the callstack. Or maybe it's down to the difference between SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK vs SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-SYSTEM-LOCK, which doesn't do any interrupt twiddling. 'Tis a mystery.

This is a pretty lazy benchmark, but the speedup was convincing enough that I didn't feel the need to do more elaborate benchmarking.

(require :sb-sprof)

(ql:quickload :bordeaux-threads)

(load (compile-file #P"/Users/mappleby/src/repos/rigetti/qvm/app-ng/src/safety-hash/package.lisp"))
;;(load (compile-file #P"/Users/mappleby/src/repos/rigetti/qvm/app-ng/src/safety-hash/impl-bordeaux-threads.lisp"))
(load (compile-file #P"/Users/mappleby/src/repos/rigetti/qvm/app-ng/src/safety-hash/impl-sbcl.lisp"))

(defun safety-hash-test (n)
  (let ((h (safety-hash:make-safety-hash)))
    (dotimes (i (expt 2 n) nil)
      (setf (safety-hash:gethash i h) 42)
      (safety-hash:gethash i h)
      (safety-hash:remhash i h))))

(sb-sprof:with-profiling (:report :flat)
  (safety-hash-test 26))

Here are the top-20 results of running the above test on the generic impl-bordeaux-threads.lisp.

Number of samples:   2144
Sample interval:     0.01 seconds
Total sampling time: 21.439999 seconds
Number of cycles:    0
Sampled threads:
 #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {1002191BC3}>

           Self        Total        Cumul
  Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
   1    515  24.0   1164  54.3    515  24.0        -  (FLET "WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-29" :IN SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK)
   2    462  21.5   1958  91.3    977  45.6        -  QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:CALL-WITH-LOCKED-SAFETY-HASH
   3    384  17.9    384  17.9   1361  63.5        -  SB-UNIX::WITH-DEFERRABLE-SIGNALS-UNBLOCKED
   4    205   9.6    205   9.6   1566  73.0        -  (FLET "CLEANUP-FUN-41" :IN SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK)
   5    116   5.4   1487  69.4   1682  78.5        -  SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK
   6     49   2.3     49   2.3   1731  80.7        -  (SETF QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:GETHASH)
   7     48   2.2     58   2.7   1779  83.0        -  SB-IMPL::REMHASH/EQL
   8     42   2.0     42   2.0   1821  84.9        -  QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:GETHASH
   9     34   1.6   2132  99.4   1855  86.5        -  SAFETY-HASH-TEST
  10     34   1.6     34   1.6   1889  88.1        -  QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:REMHASH
  12     31   1.4     50   2.3   1952  91.0        -  SB-IMPL::PUTHASH/EQL
  13     27   1.3     27   1.3   1979  92.3        -  (LAMBDA (HASH-TABLE) :IN QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:GETHASH)
  14     22   1.0     22   1.0   2001  93.3        -  SB-VM::ALLOC-TRAMP
  15     20   0.9     20   0.9   2021  94.3        -  (LAMBDA (HASH-TABLE) :IN QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:GETHASH)
  16     19   0.9     19   0.9   2040  95.1        -  (FLET SB-IMPL::INSERT-AT :IN SB-IMPL::GET-PUTHASH-DEFINITIONS)
  17     17   0.8     17   0.8   2057  95.9        -  SB-IMPL::GETHASH/EQL
  18     16   0.7     67   3.1   2073  96.7        -  SB-KERNEL:%PUTHASH
  19     15   0.7     15   0.7   2088  97.4        -  (LAMBDA (HASH-TABLE) :IN QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:REMHASH)
  20     12   0.6     12   0.6   2100  97.9        -  REMHASH
          7   0.3                                     elsewhere

And here are the results of running the same test with impl-sbcl.lisp.

Number of samples:   986
Sample interval:     0.01 seconds
Total sampling time: 9.86 seconds
Number of cycles:    0
Sampled threads:
 #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10021B1BC3}>

           Self        Total        Cumul
  Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
   1    776  78.7    776  78.7    776  78.7        -  (FLET "CLEANUP-FUN-69" :IN SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-SYSTEM-LOCK)
   2     65   6.6    863  87.5    841  85.3        -  SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-SYSTEM-LOCK
   3     19   1.9    976  99.0    860  87.2        -  SAFETY-HASH-TEST
   4     19   1.9     19   1.9    879  89.1        -  (FLET "WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-57" :IN SB-THREAD::CALL-WITH-RECURSIVE-SYSTEM-LOCK)
   5     15   1.5    325  33.0    894  90.7        -  SB-KERNEL:%PUTHASH
   6     12   1.2    313  31.7    906  91.9        -  SB-IMPL::PUTHASH/EQL/LOCK
   7     12   1.2     12   1.2    918  93.1        -  SB-VM::ALLOC-TRAMP
   8     11   1.1    274  27.8    929  94.2        -  SB-IMPL::GETHASH/EQL/LOCK
   9     11   1.1     11   1.1    940  95.3        -  QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:GETHASH
  10     10   1.0    315  31.9    950  96.3        -  SB-IMPL::REMHASH/EQL/LOCK
  11      9   0.9      9   0.9    959  97.3        -  REMHASH
  12      6   0.6      6   0.6    965  97.9        -  (SETF QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:GETHASH)
  13      5   0.5      5   0.5    970  98.4        -  SB-IMPL::GETHASH3
  14      4   0.4      4   0.4    974  98.8        -  QVM-APP-NG.SAFETY-HASH:REMHASH
  15      0   0.0    979  99.3    974  98.8        -  "Unknown component: #x2283B2C0"
  16      0   0.0    979  99.3    974  98.8        -  SWANK::EVAL-REGION
  17      0   0.0    979  99.3    974  98.8        -  (LAMBDA NIL :IN SWANK-REPL::REPL-EVAL)
  18      0   0.0    979  99.3    974  98.8        -  SWANK-REPL::TRACK-PACKAGE
  19      0   0.0    979  99.3    974  98.8        -  SWANK::CALL-WITH-RETRY-RESTART
  20      0   0.0    979  99.3    974  98.8        -  SWANK::CALL-WITH-BUFFER-SYNTAX
          5   0.5                                     elsewhere

Updates #186

appleby commented 4 years ago

To celebrate a century of commits (The Big Cien), this latest round includes basic job management endpoints, create-job, job-info, delete-job, etc.

This also includes the latest commits from #180, squashed down to a single commit. I've temporarily structured things to avoid merge conflicts. Once the other PR lands, there will be some light refactoring to integrate the new job-related RPC endpoints with the stuff in #180.

appleby commented 4 years ago

I'm going to continue to use this branch & PR for ongoing work, so I've slapped a work-in-progress label on it for now.

Honestly forgot I had marked this WIP. There are still some odds and ends to be done, but this is ready for review for anyone who's idea of halloween fun includes ghastly qvm hacks.

appleby commented 4 years ago

General status update on where this PR is at: what is implemented so far are the endpoints for managing persistent qvms + async jobs + a generic run-program endpoint + a handful of minor bookkeeping endpoints like version, qvm-memory-estimate, etc.

There is still a fair bit of work to do to get this to a point where it could replace the existing qvm-app and be considered "production ready". At a minimum that work would include:

  1. Fleshing out API endpoints to have equivalents for all existing qvm-app endpoints (multishot, expectation, wavefunction, etc.)

  2. General work towards qvm-app feature parity, including support for shared-memory allocation, noise models beyond pauli noise, benchmarking, command line mode, etc.

  3. Resource monitoring and enforcement (limits on memory/qubits/async jobs/handler timeouts, etc.)

  4. Improved logging (very little being logged right now)

  5. Some clear plan for how to integrate this on the pyquil side. Currently I have a draft-mode pyquil PR that adds a new PersistentQVM class which acts like a "grab-bag of methods" for interacting with the new qvm-ng API, but it sits off to the side and is not well integrated with the existing pyquil class structure of QAMs and QVMs and QuantumComputers.

... and probably other stuff I'm forgetting.

On the other hand, the only change to the existing qvm code included in this PR is the addition of the WAIT-FUNCTION slot to the CLASSICAL-MEMORY-MIXIN class, which is to say I think these changes could be safely merged with low risk of breaking the existing qvm-app.

diff --git a/src/classical-memory-mixin.lisp b/src/classical-memory-mixin.lisp
index f144b1a..b722a82 100644
--- a/src/classical-memory-mixin.lisp
+++ b/src/classical-memory-mixin.lisp
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@

 (in-package #:qvm)

+(defun warning-wait-function (qvm)
+  (declare (ignore qvm))
+  (warn "WAIT executed. Nothing to wait on."))
 ;;; The non-quantum parts of a QVM (the program, the pc, and the
 ;;; classical memory subsystem) don't really change from QVM to QVM,
 ;;; so that state is stored in an abstract mixin class.
@@ -22,11 +26,15 @@
    (program :accessor program
             :initform #()
             :documentation "The program to be executed.")
+   (wait-function :reader wait-function
+                  :initarg :wait-function
+                  :documentation "A unary function taking a QVM and implementing Quil's WAIT logic. (The default does nothing and just warns.)")
    (gate-definitions :accessor gate-definitions
                      :initarg :gate-definitions
                      :documentation "A table mapping gate names to their GATE-instance definition."))
    :classical-memory-subsystem (make-instance 'qvm:classical-memory-subsystem)
+   :wait-function 'warning-wait-function
    ;; XXX FIXME: To be superseded by some notion of environments.
    :gate-definitions (copy-hash-table quil::**default-gate-definitions**))
   (:metaclass abstract-class)
diff --git a/src/transition-classical-instructions.lisp b/src/transition-classical-instructions.lisp
index 7f4d687..2c5e01e 100644
--- a/src/transition-classical-instructions.lisp
+++ b/src/transition-classical-instructions.lisp
@@ -373,3 +373,11 @@
+;;; WAIT!
+(defmethod transition ((qvm classical-memory-mixin) (instr quil:wait))
+  (declare (ignore instr))
+  (funcall (wait-function qvm) qvm)
+  (incf (pc qvm))
+  qvm)
diff --git a/src/transition.lisp b/src/transition.lisp
index 750f856..efdcf5d 100644
--- a/src/transition.lisp
+++ b/src/transition.lisp
@@ -94,13 +94,6 @@ Return just the resulting (possibly modified) QVM after executing INSTR. (Histor
       (setf (pc qvm) (1+ (pc measured-qvm)))

-(defmethod transition ((qvm classical-memory-mixin) (instr quil:wait))
-  (declare (ignore instr))
-  (when *transition-verbose*
-    (warn "WAIT executed. Nothing to wait on."))
-  (incf (pc qvm))
-  qvm)

 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; JUMP, JUMP-WHEN, JUMP-UNLESS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
ecpeterson commented 4 years ago

Using it in production can be another matter—lots of QVM features don’t appear in production, in the sense that they aren’t part of the typical execution path & instead require deliberate intervention to turn on and utilize. Certain select groups still make use of them, & that’s the sort of usage I think would provide better testing / feedback than another PR read-through.

stylewarning commented 4 years ago

welp, here goes nothin