quilde / indexdiachronica

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Rewrite Abbreviations as feature sets and similar changes #3

Open quilde opened 5 months ago

quilde commented 5 months ago

we already have things like C[+voiced] whearas +feature means presence and -feature means absence of a feature. a phoneme may be unmarked with respect to a feature.

i'm inclined to rewrite the abbreviations all as [+feature +feature -feature] etc. some examples: N >>> [+consonantal +nasal] Q >>> [+consonantal +uvular] or [+consonant +click]

that way they are

  1. unambiguous
  2. in line with standard linguistic notation

individual sounds shouldn't be written as features eg. n not [+consonantal +sonorant +voice +nasal +alveolar]

similar things are for example angle brackets for conditionals ⟨⟩

further explanation is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distinctive_feature

see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonological_rule

quilde commented 3 months ago

I'd say this is finished. There are probably still some issues but they can be resolved manually

quilde commented 3 months ago

In recent developments[when?] to the theory of distinctive features, phonologists have proposed the existence of single-valued features. These features, called univalent or privative features, can only describe the classes of segments that are said to possess those features, and not the classes that are without them.[5]

maybe we want a different syntax for them like [:labial] or [@labial] or even [LABIAL]

quilde commented 3 months ago

wikipedia is unclear which even are privative features and the paper is not public. I leave it as it is

quilde commented 2 months ago

have a look at https://github.com/indexphonemica/pfeature seems helpful

quilde commented 2 months ago

Introductory Phonology by Hayes (2009) is great! It goes into everything in a lot of detail. Proposed Feature Set is found on p. 74


thinking out loud:

” = ˈ Stress ! = Except when… (…X) = For any number of X remaining X0 = The same/an identical X Xn = X with a given tone Xn = The nth X of a sequence or series Xx = All X of a sequence or series X̣ = Retroflex/emphatic X # = Word boundary $ = Stem boundary % = Syllable boundary (or if X is one syllable away, or just representing a syllable in some changes from KneeQuickie or the ZBB) ∅ = Nothing/Null/Zero

U = [+syllable] Syllable

C = [-syllabic] Consonant A = [-continuant +delayed_release] Affricate

S = [-continuant -delayed_release] Plosive T = [-continuant -delayed_release -voice] Voiceless plosive D = [-continuant -delayed_release +voice] Voiced plosive

F = [+continuant +delayed_release] Fricative

H = Laryngeal J = [+approximant] Approximant K = Velar Ḱ = Palatovelar L = [+consonantal +approximant] Liquid M = Diphthong N = [−approximant +sonorant] Nasal O = [−sonorant] Obstruent P = Labial/Bilabial Q = Uvular consonant; click consonant (Khoisan) R = Resonant/Sonorant

W = [−syllabic, −consonantal] Semivowel Z = Continuant

V = [+syllabic] Vowel !!! syllabic consonants B = [+syllabic +back] Back vowel E = [+syllabic +front] Front vowel

quilde commented 1 month ago

as it appears, things are not as straight forward as they seem. I created https://github.com/quilde/distinctivefeatu-rs to tackle this in the future and "start a conversation" around how to best do it. As for #14 we'll leave it as it is

quilde commented 1 week ago
