quill18 / ld23-tiny-world

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new unit -the eel #58

Open fullmetalhusky opened 12 years ago

fullmetalhusky commented 12 years ago

hello their everyone i am proposing a new unit type for the game. you know those pesky logs that get in your way well what if you had a unit that could go strait threw them to get to the neutral castle so you can get a early advantage. this unit would be a eel because eel are naturally shiny and slick so they could fit threw the cracks in the logs but also being a eel they can only move up to 1-2 tiles and it wouldn't not a very good fighter. the eels main purpose would be to help with some early game macro being to go thru any terrain (except bubbles) and get to those castles that might be behind a bunch of logs that would take other units ages to get around. finally the raw stats would be 15 fish food to make (for the fact of how useful it is) a 1-2 movement speed and only 1-3 damage and 0 defense since it is more of a capture-isk unit and max health is 5. thank you for considering this and for all your feedback

emilkris33 commented 12 years ago

Actually you don't need/won't anything that can go through logs as the game needs some 100% impassable terrain. And the idea of semi-impassable terrain is already in the game with bubbles.