quill18 / ld23-tiny-world

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Gameplay: Should units that don't move receive a bonus? #86

Open quill18 opened 12 years ago

quill18 commented 12 years ago

+1 Defense for "fortifying"? Healing 2 points of damage?

AaronJacobson commented 12 years ago

I would prefer healing 2 points because it gives a reason to keep your fish alive.(A better reason than having a bigger army because if it cant heal it is likely that that unit will only deal damage one more time and then be killed)

xmordetx commented 12 years ago

I think that both of these bonuses should apply. However, +1 Defense should only be given to specialized units (Turtles comes to mind) AND only if in a certain distance of castle.

Demonac commented 12 years ago

I think the healing idea is interesting. The defense bonus I don't think I like, as the an entrenched defender already has a large advantage in a lot of places (particularly chokepoints with weeds). If anything, we need more options for breaking through defensive lines and getting through/around chokepoints in the terrain.

But units that don't move could heal 2 when you end your turn... I think that adds some value without exacerbating the problem cases.

quill18 commented 12 years ago

Yeah, I think that since that we're also considering adding defensive bonuses to specific terrain, we don't need to make things tankier. I think the healing is solid though.

That being said, busting chokepoints should be easier once I make the already-implemented "move into a defeated unit's square" change live.