quill18 / ld23-tiny-world

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Gameplay: Auto-defeat #88

Open xmordetx opened 12 years ago

xmordetx commented 12 years ago

If it is a player's turn and, after 24 hours, (s)he does not play it should be counted as an auto-defeat. That way no players that see their impending doom can simply wiggle their way out of a defeat and deny the other player's victory.

Of course, the amount of time necessary for the declaration of loss would be subject to change. For balance purpose.

Also, only a player that responded to the first move would be subject to that rule. That way, one cannot start spamming challenge requests in the hope that players do not answer and get free Elo Rating/Exp and if players DO indeed respond he would be obligated to ether play the match or surrender.

quill18 commented 12 years ago

I agree.

Huntracony commented 12 years ago

i think the time for auto defeat should be longer like 36 hour

InfernoZeus commented 12 years ago

I think a better solution would be to allow the players to decide how long they want the auto-defeat to be. Add options for 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours perhaps.

quill18 commented 12 years ago

No, I think it needs to be standardized because otherwise it doesn't make sense. Wouldn't each player want to have the maximum amount of time for themselves?

I'm thinking:

InfernoZeus commented 12 years ago

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant that when creating the game, the player can set the auto-defeat time for that game (which applies to both players). I can imagine, that once we have some sort of matchmaking system, players can create an open game, and other players can search for one of these open games. Some players want their games to be a quick game taking no longer than a day, others might want it to last closer to a week. By allowing the players to decide the auto-defeat time between themselves (although set at various stages), you can let the players have different paced games.

Joker007cronic commented 12 years ago

That sounds exactly like the way weewar does it, and I think it works fairly well. In my experience, most games were set averaged with 48hour turn limits, with only a few people demanding very short and quick games (which are great for smaller maps.)