quill18 / ld23-tiny-world

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When surrendering, allow players to write a note #96

Open quill18 opened 12 years ago

quill18 commented 12 years ago

This will of course require #95 to be implemented.

Encourage people to GG...or insult each other's spawning grounds.

Demonac commented 12 years ago

I keep thinking of this but forgetting to submit. Good show.

Also when someone declines a challenge (once that's in). I want to be able to say (politely) "because that map is unbalanced" or "because that map is guaranteed to create an unbreakable deadlock"

CompanionOfMacedon commented 12 years ago

This would be a nice addition to the game, it would be nice to be able to say GG and how useful it would be, as Demonac said above, alerting the opponent (politely) that you won't be participating in the match because the map is unbalanced. This would be a very useful tool, but I do understand the downside, which is as the original post states, it will be the spawning grounds for griefing.