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Eth2 Book Initial Design #6

Open villanuevawill opened 4 years ago

villanuevawill commented 4 years ago

The Eth2 Book: Initial Goals

Eth2 documentation and technical knowledge is, currently, spread thinly across various corners of the internet. Existing resources are often difficult to discover via simple searches. Some attempts have been made to collect links to resources within research “indices,” but these projects often go unmaintained after only a short period of time. More accessible documents tend to fall into the extremes of overly-technical or overly-simplistic writing.

The Eth2 Book is an extensive educational resource that aims to tackle these issues and, as a result, become the go-to location for anyone looking to understand Eth2 in depth. By collecting, parsing, and presenting Eth2 knowledge under a single (digital) roof with a consistent written voice, The Eth2 Book will vastly simplify the on-boarding process for potential new Eth2 contributors.

The following is a detailed explanation of the various project goals for an early phase/draft to evaluate to get this project started.

Guiding Documentation

Any project of sufficiently large scale, The Eth2 Book included, is benefitted by a strong vision statement. To this end, we should create a “Guiding Document” that details long-term goals and values for the resource. The Guiding Document solidifies project vision, target audience, content structure, and other key design decisions.

Content Research

We should have most initial research on content within the book completed. Eth2 is expansive and available resources are, at times, hard to find or parse. We should collect and organize a significant number of technical primary sources in preparation for the writing effort. We’ve also augmented many of these sources with additional notes in order to clarify certain confusing details.

Content Outline

Existing Eth2 resources focus primarily on specific technical subjects within the wider context of Eth2. As The Eth2 Book aims to present Eth2 in its entirety, we should spend significant time developing an accessible content flow. Our flow should introduce new concepts only when necessary to continue a reader’s education, and attempts to avoid complex subjects until a reader has sufficient background knowledge.

Content Drafts

We should create early content drafts for most of the topics within the outline. Initial drafts should serve as scaffolding for the book as a whole and be part of a feedback loop that should further inform the content flow.

Initial Website Design

The Guiding Document describes certain basic principles for the design of the website, including requirements around accessibility and readability. We should develop an initial version of the site that draws from best practices regarding the presentation of written content (“walls of text”) in a digital format. The site should be easily upgradeable and further improved as we draw closer to an initial launch.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 20.135 ETH (3300.01 USD @ $163.89/ETH) attached to it.

cervoneluca commented 4 years ago

Hi! I saw this issue on gitcoin and I would like to start my journey in opensource and gitcoin by starting by this project (preferably by being involved in the developing of the web site). How can I propose my candidature in gitcoin?

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 2 years ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) kfichter has started work.


Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

smartcontracts commented 4 years ago

Goal fulfillment:

Guiding Documentation

Guiding Document available here on the Quilt PM repository. Outline updated to reflect latest thoughts around initial release content.

Content Research

Most of my research is currently handwritten (I prefer taking notes by hand, I find it helps significantly with recall). All topics covered in the initial release content have detailed notes. Several additional topics for later releases also have notes. Also have notes for my ideas around structural flow, presentation style, etc.

Content Outline

Current version of the outline for initial release is contained within the Guiding Document. I've created initial outlines for later releases, but it's likely that these will change heavily after we get feedback about the first release. Can add links to these outlines here if necessary, not sure how useful they'll be going forward.

Content Drafts

Content drafts available on the staging website. Includes early drafts for Proof of Stake concepts, Beacon Chain operation. Other drafts for introduction, eth1/eth2 overviews, expanded PoS concepts, and full Beacon Chain details written locally and will be published within the next two weeks.

Initial Website Design

Website built, attempts to stay within the guidelines specified in the Guiding Document. Currently only readable on desktop (haven't designed for mobile). Uses Gatsby and some custom rendering to pull files from markdown files. Text presentation designed to be accessible, follows best practices w/r/t font sizing, line spacing, line width, etc. Further improvements coming as we move to initial release.

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20.135 ETH (3490.46 USD @ $173.35/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @kfichter

@villanuevawill please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20.135 ETH (3490.46 USD @ $173.35/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @kfichter

@villanuevawill please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago
Fast Response ⚡️ A *Fast Response* Kudos has been sent to @kfichter for this issue from @villanuevawill. ⚡️ Nice work @kfichter! To redeem your Kudos, login to Gitcoin at https://gitcoin.co/explorer and select 'Claim Kudos' from dropdown menu in the top right, or check your email for a link to the Kudos redemption page.
gitcoinbot commented 4 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 20.135 ETH (3388.72 USD @ $168.3/ETH) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @kfichter.