quince-science / QuinCe

QuinCe is an online tool for processing and quality control of data from scientific instruments, with a primary focus on oceanic data.
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Work out how to trigger reprocessing of datasets with multiple calibration edits #1884

Open squaregoldfish opened 4 years ago

squaregoldfish commented 4 years ago

If someone edits multiple calibrations together, the affected datasets are queued for reprocessing each time. This results in multiple jobs scheduled for the same dataset and QuinCe gets very confused. We probably need a way to abort existing jobs, which will work since all the jobs automatically recover themselves from a partial run state.

See also #205

squaregoldfish commented 2 years ago

Keep the bean alive until "Back to Instruments List". Aggregate all changed datasets, and submit the jobs when that's clicked.

squaregoldfish commented 1 year ago

For each dataset, record pre-edit and post-edit state of which calibrations affect it. If any have changed after all edits made, they need to be reprocessed.

squaregoldfish commented 1 year ago


squaregoldfish commented 1 year ago

Don't let calibrations be moved/created in the middle of an existing dataset (related to #2584)

squaregoldfish commented 11 months ago


"An alternative algorithm could determine the maximum number of datasets affected (based on where the edit took place) and then examine each dataset in turn to see if it's affected. The speed of the algorithm probably wouldn't changed, but the code could well be a lot clearer."

squaregoldfish commented 6 months ago

Show calibrations in correct display order on timeline (e.g. CONTROS calculation coefficients should be in LinkedHashMap order)

squaregoldfish commented 6 months ago

CONTROS coefficients affect the datasets both before and after the entries. Gas standards are only after. Sensor calibrations may be either. How do we deal with this?

squaregoldfish commented 6 months ago

P1000512 Notes for initial setup and single edit actions.

squaregoldfish commented 5 months ago


squaregoldfish commented 18 hours ago

Ready to go. Waiting for discussion with Ingunn.