quiniouben / vban

VBAN protocol open-source implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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noting appears in jackaudio ports nor inputs neighter outputs #31

Open allegfede opened 5 years ago

allegfede commented 5 years ago

Hello, after some issues with netadapter/netmanager stuff of jackaudio i'm strying to make interconnect 2 machines on the same lan (more than a switch between them).

But at the moment i got troubles to see something on my local machine.

If i run QjackCTL and scan for ports (connections), i see only system|system

after i run: vban_receptor -i127.0.0.1 -p8001 -smiopcreceptor -bjack -dvbrecept -c1

i got no errors but still i have only system|system on clients

worst is with the emitter, running this command in shell: vban_emitter -i127.0.0.1 -p8002 -smioemitter -bjack -dvbemitter vban_emitter version 2.1.0

i got this error: Fatal: Sorry jack backend is not ready for emitter yet

same if i match the port 8001 and streamname miopcreceptor

quiniouben commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your interest. First remark of all: jack backend is the least developed one, I am sorry. I had very few request about it, and I have very limited time, so I did the minimum to make it quickly work. Accept all my apologizes and let's try to answer your feedback.

vban_receptor -i127.0.0.1 -p8001 -smiopcreceptor -bjack -dvbrecept -c1 i got no errors but still i have only system|system on clients

Ok, that is strange, could you start the receptor with more verbose log: vban_receptor -i127.0.0.1 -p8001 -smiopcreceptor -bjack -dvbrecept -c1 -l3 and maybe -l4 (which will probably bloat your console).

worst is with the emitter, running this command in shell: vban_emitter -i127.0.0.1 -p8002 -smioemitter -bjack -dvbemitter vban_emitter version 2.1.0

i got this error: Fatal: Sorry jack backend is not ready for emitter yet

Well, it means: I took no time yet to implement the jack backend for emitter... sorry. Anyway I am not happy of the receptor's jack implementation and have some wish to re-implement at vban_jack_receptor and vban_jack_emitter as different applications, to try to make the best use of jack.

allegfede commented 5 years ago

thanks for the kind answer.

that's the result of vban_receptor -i127.0.0.1 -p8001 -smiopcreceptor -bjack -dvbrecept -c1 -l3 vban_receptor version 2.1.0

Info: socket_open: opening socket with port 8001 Error: socket_open: unable to bind socket Info: socket_close: closing socket with port 8001 Info: socket_close: closing socket with port 8001

error make me think that 8001 is an already used port, so i tried: vban_receptor -i127.0.0.1 -p8002 -smiopcreceptor -bjack -dvbrecept -c1 -l3 vban_receptor version 2.1.0

Info: socket_open: opening socket with port 8002 Info: socket_open with port: 8002 Info: audio_init: config is direction out, backend jack, device vbrecept, buffer size 3072 Info: audio_backend_get_by_name: found backend jack Info: audio_set_map_config: new map config is nb channels 1

but still i got no input nor outputs in jack patchbay :-(

for the emitter now is clear the problem :D i can understand the lack of time issue ... is a common problem in the software comunity and in the Open source one, is worst than ever ;-)

schermata da 2019-02-18 12-12-24

quiniouben commented 5 years ago

I took a quick look back in the code: I think you will see nothing in jack server until the receptor receives some data. I only open the ports when I have enough data. One note: vban receptor will automatically connects to the default output. It is unfortunately not possible (yet) to disable this behavior, but this can be quickly changed.