quiniouben / vban

VBAN protocol open-source implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
450 stars 63 forks source link

Support for jack emitter wanted #52

Open akamaus opened 4 years ago

akamaus commented 4 years ago

Currently running vban_emitter -b jack results in following error message: Fatal: Sorry jack backend is not ready for emitter yet

Having support for it would allow live instrumental sessions over the network.

quiniouben commented 4 years ago

Hi @akamaus , yes this support would be really nice. In fact I dislike the way I did it for the receptor, and therefore don't want to repeat the same mistakes for an emitter implementation. Unfortunately, in general and especially in this period of confinement, I completely lack spare time to work on this. But this is in my todo list :).

giulianobernardi commented 3 years ago

I second the OP request. It would be great to have support for the jack backend for the emitter! Regardless, thanks for the nice work done with this repo.

quiniouben commented 3 years ago

Yep, well, as you observed, spare time has not improved since last year. But let's see how things evolve

chaseology commented 3 years ago

Yes, Jack Support, especially with the new DEV running the latest JACK AUDIO CONNECTION KIT upgrades/updates, falkTX from KXstudio, higher performance, optimized, full Jack support for VBAN emitter/receptor would be fantastic

billythehippo commented 2 years ago

Using the VBAN protocol in the Jack mode under Jack or Pipewire would be a great variant to make an OpenSource althernative for the Dante. In PulseAudio mode the Emitter provides only 2 channels (it is enough to make some ear monitors from android smartphones, as we do, it works properly even with Wi-Fi), but it wold be fantastic, for example, to make two 18-channel broadcast streams from two Behringer XR-18's with the goal to make some independent realtime mixdowns on different computers and by different teams of sound ingeneers: for example, the FOH mix, some monitor mixes, stream mix, etc.