Closed YeautyYE closed 2 years ago
if deployed on different servers, client execute connecting.await
get TimedOut
if deployed on same servers, everything is fine
not found
Both this and your previous issue are short on context. If you want help you'll have to post some code samples of what you are doing and exact error messages or descriptions of what's happening and why it deviates for your expectations.
From the issue description, it also appears you are having an issue with the rustls configuration rather than with Quinn itself; in which case, this is the wrong repository to report an error to.
use std::error::Error;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use quinn::{Connecting, Connection, Endpoint, ServerConfig};
async fn main() {
let bind_addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let (server_config, server_cert) = configure_server().unwrap();
let (_endpoint, mut incoming) = Endpoint::server(server_config, bind_addr).unwrap();
while let incoming_conn = {
if incoming_conn.is_none() {
let incoming_conn = incoming_conn.unwrap();
async fn accept_connection(incoming_conn: Connecting) {
let new_conn = incoming_conn.await;
let new_conn = match new_conn {
Ok(new_conn) => new_conn,
Err(_) => {
async fn handle_connection(connection: Connection) {
println!("connection accepted: addr: {}", connection.remote_address());
let mut send = connection.open_uni().await.unwrap();
let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(1000));
loop {
let result = send.write_chunk("test".into()).await;
match result {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
println!("error: {:?}", e);
fn configure_server() -> Result<(ServerConfig, Vec<u8>), Box<dyn Error>> {
let cert_der = include_bytes!("../../common/resource/cert/cert.pem").to_vec();
let priv_key = include_bytes!("../../common/resource/cert/privkey.pem").to_vec();
let priv_key = rustls::PrivateKey(priv_key);
let cert_chain = vec![rustls::Certificate(cert_der.clone())];
let mut server_config = ServerConfig::with_single_cert(cert_chain, priv_key)?;
Arc::get_mut(&mut server_config.transport)
Ok((server_config, cert_der))
mod tests {
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use quinn::{ClientConfig, Endpoint};
use quinn::RecvStream;
async fn test_client() {
let server_addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let client_cfg = configure_client();
let mut endpoint = Endpoint::client("".parse().unwrap()).unwrap();
let connecting = endpoint.connect(server_addr, "yeauty").unwrap();
let mut new_conn = connecting.await.unwrap();
loop {
let message =;
match message {
Some(recv) => {
let mut recv = recv.unwrap();
let received_chunk = recv.read_chunk(20 * 1024 * 1024, false).await;
let received_chunk = received_chunk.unwrap().unwrap();
println!("msg : {:?}", String::from_utf8(received_chunk.bytes.to_vec()));
None => {
println!("received None");
fn configure_client() -> ClientConfig {
let mut certs = rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
let mut crypto = rustls::ClientConfig::builder()
when server code
run on server , client get TimeOut
when server code
run on local , client get ApplicationClosed(ApplicationClose { error_code: 0, reason: b"" })
in the second cycle
Why do you think the timeout is due to Quinn instead of a network issue?
I used wireshark
to capture packets and found that UDP requests were not sent when execute endpoint.connect()
. But I use 'echo' "Hello World\!" | nc - 4 u my - IP 65432
normal udp requests
My IDE is CLion and my operating system is macOS
Sorry, my client address is not set to The correct code looks like this 'let mut endpoint = endpoint ::client("".parse().unwrap()).unwrap(); `
If I use FramedRead
, can I set it to unordered?
ConfigBuilder.with_single_cert() not found
The code you pasted doesn't contain any references to ConfigBuilder
. Did you mean ServerConfigBuilder
? What does "not found" mean? What is the exact, complete error message?
The correct code looks like this
Does that mean the issue is resolved? If so, please close it.
If I use FramedRead, can I set it to unordered?
No, that would not make sense.
My client and server are deployed on different servers, and I don't want to be self_signed cert.