Starting IJulia backend...
Command Executed: /Users/osxuser/compiled/julia/usr/bin/julia-readline /Users/osxuser/.julia/IJulia/src/kernel.jl "/Users/osxuser/Dropbox/system/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/profile-0.json"
I get the banner and the prompt, but I cannot use the console (I can type the command but if I press enter nothing happens. Some thing if I try submitting a command from a jl file open with shift+enter.)
I can start IJulia, the console output this:
Starting IJulia backend... Command Executed: /Users/osxuser/compiled/julia/usr/bin/julia-readline /Users/osxuser/.julia/IJulia/src/kernel.jl "/Users/osxuser/Dropbox/system/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/profile-0.json"
I get the banner and the prompt, but I cannot use the console (I can type the command but if I press enter nothing happens. Some thing if I try submitting a command from a jl file open with shift+enter.)