quinnj / Sublime-IJulia

An IJulia Frontend for Sublime Text 3
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***Kernel Died*** #53

Closed T-S- closed 9 years ago

T-S- commented 10 years ago


I cannot get Sublime-IJulia running. My User-Preferences look like this:

"windows": { "zmq_shared_library": "C:/Users/Thomas' Laptop/.julia/v0.3/ZMQ/deps/usr/lib/libzmq.dll", "commands": [ { "command_name": "default", "julia": "C:/Users/Thomas' Laptop/Julia-0.3.0-prerelease/julia.exe", "julia_args": "", "ijulia_kernel": "C:/Users/Thomas' Laptop/.julia/v0.3/IJulia/src/kernel.jl" } ] }

I also tried "C:..." and "C://..." without any success. I'm running Sublime 3059 and Julia 0.3. IPython notebook workes fine. ZMQ is installed... Any help is greatly appreciated.


gpmauroy commented 10 years ago

Same here also using up-to-date Julia-0.3.0-prerelease.

I tried all permutations of ways to specify the paths in Sublime-IJulia: i.e., using ~ & several versions of full path.

I tried adding the julia bin to the path.

I tried rebuilding ZMQ. How can we test that ZMQ built without any error? julia> Pkg.build("ZMQ") INFO: Building ZMQ

Note I have not installed as yet iPython. This is my next step.

Thanks for help.

gpmauroy commented 10 years ago

I get the following build errors. Are they the source cause?

===[ BUILD ERRORS ]===

WARNING: LibCURL and Nettle had build errors.

gpmauroy commented 10 years ago

Got it to work by going through the full install process with today's Windows build.

quinnj commented 10 years ago

Sorry for not responding earlier, I've been pretty tied up this week. Glad @gpmauroy got it figured out! The two main things I've discovered with this problem is some kind of incompatibility between stdc++.dll's (what ZMQ expects, and what Sublime uses? Or what Sublime uses and what Juila uses?), or it's a problem of needing to unzip the Sublime-IJulia package (they usually can just stay zipped and be used normally from Sublime that way, but because of the external library usage it's a little trickier).


stonebig commented 10 years ago

this may help https://github.com/JuliaLang/WinRPM.jl/issues/27#issuecomment-49189546

quinnj commented 10 years ago

@T-S- are you still having a problem? Sorry I've been MIA, but this has been a low priority project for me lately. Happy to help if you're still seeing an issue.