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Secure Vehicle Diagnostics #25

Open quinnwencn opened 6 months ago

quinnwencn commented 6 months ago


UDS(Unified Diagnostic Services) is an automotive protocol that enables the tester to communicate with the ECUs in the vehicle to diagnose faults, change configure, or even reprogram the ECUs. But unauthenticated access to the ECUs is extremely dangerous and can cause important information leakage or even worse.

According to the test results during 2022, the number of critical findings in UDS security implementation, is commonly high, mainly in the following UDS services: memory unauthorized access, DTC, and ECU reset.

In order to prevent Vehicle from unauthenticated access, access control to the vehicle diagnostic system is necessary.

Authentication method

UDS 29


UDS 29 service provides two means for the client to prove its identity, allowing it to access data or diagnostic services to the ECU.



There are two ways to authenticate the diagnostic session using APCE, “verifyCertificateUnidirectional” and “verifyCertificateBidirectional”. In the case of unidirectional authentication, only the tester’s certificate is verified. In the case of bidirectional authentication, certificates of the tester and ECU are verified. image

Authentication process:

  1. If bidirectional authentication is enabled, the tester creates a random number as challenge, and then sends it with a tester certificate.
  2. ECU verifies the tester’s certificate, if not valid, stop the authentication process. Then generate a random number as an ECU challenge. If secure communication is enabled, an ephemeral key pair is generated. Then ECU calculates the Proof of OWNership(POWN) and sends the ECU challenge, ECU ephemeral pubic key, ECU certificate and POWN to the tester
  3. If bidirectional authentication is enabled, the tester verifies the ECU certificate and POWN of ECU, if one of them is invalid, stop the process. Then generate the tester ephemeral key pair, calculate POWN of the tester, and send the POWN with the tester ephemeral public key to ECU.
  4. ECU verifies the POWN of the tester, if invalid, stop the process. Then create the session key, enable the session key, and set up the session key info. Finally, grant the access right to the tester and send the response and key info to the tester.

    UDS 29 ACR

Authentication with the Challenge-Response process can be completed by symmetric cryptography or asymmetric cryptography, and the keys used in ACR should be filled on the production line.

In the case of using asymmetric cryptography, a client pair is required: the client private key shall be present in the client and the client public key shall be present in the server. In the case of Bidirectional authentication, which is strongly recommended, a server key pair is also required. The server private is present in the server, and the server public key is present in the client. The private keys MUST stored in HSM/SE/TEE, in case of private key leakage.

In the case of symmetric cryptography, a symmetric key is required to exist in both client and server.

Below is the process of authentication: image The POWN calculation and verification refers to IEC 9798-2.

UDS 27 Secure access

We assume security access level 01、03 and 05 is already used, then we pick 07 as the security access level for the diagnostic blacklist. Security Access Level Purpose Comment Implementation
01 Used for software download A vehicle-unique security access constant shall be generated in the manufacturing process. All reprogrammable nodes
03 Car mode transition A common security access constant shall be applied. VMM Master
05 General for diagnostic services This is the default area that shall be applied by the ECU unless there is a piece of specific information from others immo related nodes
07 Used for access control A 16-byte/128-bit key is used for access control. All reprogrammable nodes or gateway only[TBD]

How to access Level 7

Key calculate algorithm: AES-128-CBC

Seed: 32 bytes random value(16 bytes) image After accessing level 7, we can enable the tester to execute commands in blacklists, but what if the tester request ECU reset, then the permissions to execute commands in blacklists will lose again. So we need to add a switch to remember the access granted action and keep the permissions until we end it. DID is used to solve this problem.

We use a DID or secure param as flag to indicate the permission of executing commands in blacklist. If the flag is disabled, then testers are not allowed to execute any command in blacklist. We use routine control to control the flag.

Routine control is not in the blacklist, we need to add an additional action to protect the specific routine from unauthenticated access.

When enable the flag, the time parameter indicates how long should the flag stands, which effects the time window of permission to the UDS commands in blacklist. For instance, the time could be set to 2 hours with an accuracy of 10 minutes.

quinnwencn commented 6 months ago

This only solves the authentication problem. When to use this service and how to use it is still a todo.