quinone / password-manager

Password management application developed as a group project for college.
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Add toggle option to chnage app's theme dark/light #54

Open Pitoche opened 3 weeks ago

Pitoche commented 3 weeks ago

Add toggle option to chnage app's theme dark/light

Pitoche commented 3 weeks ago

Working on this `import customtkinter as ct from customtkinter import *

ct.set_appearance_mode("light") ct.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue")

main_window = CTk() main_window.geometry("600x400+250+200") main_window.title("CTkswitch")

def changeMode(): val=switch.get() if val: ct.set_appearance_mode("dark") else: ct.set_appearance_mode("light")

switch = CTkSwitch(main_window, text="Dark Mode", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=changeMode) switch.pack(pady=20) print(switch.get())
