quintel / etengine

Calculation engine for the Energy Transition Model
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Decide if we should add dummy converters to the graph #736

Closed ChaelKruip closed 9 years ago

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

For the ETM we have always adhered to the philosophy of only using technologies that are commercially available and have undebatable specs and costs. For the testing ground scenario's it makes sense to include more experimental technologies. Typically you can think of better heat-pumps, batteries, fuel cells, wind turbines or solar panels.

One way of making it possible to use 'non-standard' technologies in the local scenario is to include 'dummy converters' in the graph. These would be intialized to zero demand by default but could be used and their specifications adjusted by the user.

One advantage of this approach would be that we still can use the same graph for the local and national scenario (see https://github.com/quintel/etengine/issues/732).

A possible disadvantage is that we will have to save the chosen specs of the new technologies with the scenario. Saving and loading a scenario will thus become more involved.

@antw @dennisschoenmakers @AlexanderWirtz @jorisberkhout please voice your concerns if you have them. I might be overlooking subtleties here.

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

An alternative approach could be that we make the specs of all converters in the ETM 'editable'. That would give the user a lot of flexibility but would necessitate that we store all data of 'changed converters' together with the scenario in order to save it for later use.

dennisquintel commented 9 years ago

Why do you call them dummy converters?

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

Why do you call them dummy converters?

To stress the fact that they have no purpose other than that of a placeholder until the user decides to use them. Similar to dummy data.

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

I propose to keep this out-of-scope for this step. It will likely give a lot of fallout and is not part of a minimal viable product (MVP).

jorisberkhout commented 9 years ago

Very interesting issue! Out of curiosity, how do you envision these dummy converters to be included in the graph?

With regards to making the converter specs editable, I think this will make it very hard to compare scenarios.

AlexanderWirtz commented 9 years ago

I agree that Alliander may at some point demand less conservative technology choices. I would say for now this is not a must-have and out of scope. Let's not make things even harder than they already are. Agree with @jorisberkhout about comparing.

Still, it makes sense to start thinking about the implications of adding more experimental technologies already now, een if it is still likely to be out of scope.

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

Closing as this is out-of-scope.