quintel / etmodel

Professional interface of the Energy Transition model.
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Add a chart showing the hourly price data from merit #2083

Closed jorisberkhout closed 8 years ago

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago


As described in more detail in #2081, we would like to give the user of the ETM more insight into the results of the merit order calculation. The hourly price curve contains very valuable information and deserves a separate chart.

Proposed implementation

As discussed with @AlexanderWirtz , @dennisschoenmakers and @ChaelKruip . Notifying @antw . I would be happy to hear your feedback!

Assigning @grdw . Talk to @ChaelKruip and me about the planning.

grdw commented 8 years ago

@antw I have a few questions related to the price curves (and the participant load curves) from et-engine. I see that both are formatted as a CSV. The ChartSerie defaults to using gqueries to fetch the data from et-engine (?).

  1. Is there another way to grab that data from et-engine or is it just the CSV?
  2. If it's only possible to fetch those CSV's should I expand on the chart serie switch or should I create a whole new OutputElementType?

The CSV sometimes contains Infinity which is a bit of a problem (which I just saw).

antw commented 8 years ago

Is there another way to grab that data from et-engine or is it just the CSV?

It's currently CSV only, but I would suggest expanding on those actions so that they can return CSV or JSON. JSON is probably easier to handle in the ETM.

With that in mind, the existing ChartSerie/ChartSeries classes may not be of much use to you since they expect you to be using Gqueries. Perhaps you might be able to get somewhere by creating a new set of classes which are compatible with ChartSerie/Gquery (e.g. implementing things like color and label) but not limited to just a present and future value?

grdw commented 8 years ago

e.g. implementing things like color and label

I don't quiet understand where you are going at here (which label and color?). I'm guessing that these classes must do a call to et-engine to fetch the actual data (or is that supposed to be handled somehwere else in the backbone stack?).

We could also make use of d3 svg?

antw commented 8 years ago

I don't quiet understand where you are going at here (which label and color?). I'm guessing that these classes must do a call to et-engine to fetch the actual data (or is that supposed to be handled somehwere else in the backbone stack?).

I wrote a reply to this (included below) but I then realised we already have a chart class which can render time series data: the existing time_curve chart. That might get you half-way there:

screen shot 2016-04-21 at 11 19 32

It can render multiple series (e.g. coal and lignite on the same chart) and plots one value per year.

Original reply:

Chart series are part of ETModel (in the output_element_series database table) and define the colour, label, and position of each series in a chart. I guess this chart would have one series – price – while the chart from #2081 would have more (one for each technology type).

When a new chart is opened, the Backbone app requests information about the chart – the chart type, name, colours, units, etc – from the server. Here's an example response which defines the "Heat and cold production" bar chart. This JSON is then converted into a Chart object and a collection of ChartSeries.

What I'm saying is, you can probably reuse a lot of that. However, the Gquery class is probably not reusable because it contains only two numeric values: a present and future value. For these charts, which have many values, you'll need something different.

grdw commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the explanation!

I didn't really look at the output_element_series table yet. :+1: Thanks (explains why the series are empty). I guess I'll keep the gquery column blank for these new rows and figure out a way how to make it all connect to etengine.

I was already looking at the time_curve chart :+1: to see what could be reused.

antw commented 8 years ago

The more I think about this, the more I think using Gqueries (as the current time_series charts do) might be the better option. We'd have to add a Gqueries which duplicate the behaviour of the MeritController.

My reason for thinking this is that the ETM is built around requesting data through Gqueries, so it can make life easier in a number of ways:

However a downside to this is that we have to send the full year of data; we can't chop it up into weekly data, nor down-sample it on the server. This is not necessarily a bad thing:

  1. It's probably still be faster to send the full year of data in a Gquery than to perform a second request asking for down-sampled or chopped-up data.
  2. With the full year of data available, it will be faster to change which week is being viewed (again, no need to spend 1.5 seconds waiting for ETEngine).

If this is still not fast enough, there are other compromises which could be made, such having one query which returns low-resolution yearly data, and then having separate queries each returning three months of high-resolution data.

That might be overkill though; I'd like to see how it performs when sending the full year of data before trying separate queries.

I'm curious what everyone thinks.

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

I like the approach you propose, @antw !

grdw commented 8 years ago

@antw I agree fully with your reasoning :+1: the main thing that caught me was the 'what should happen when somebody touches a slider'.

We'd have to add a Gqueries which duplicate the behaviour of the MeritController.

How were I to do that exactly? Where would I start exactly. Would it be in the same stretch as creating a gquery in the gqueries folder. I'm wondering how to format that gquery exactly (syntax wise etc.)?

antw commented 8 years ago

Would it be in the same stretch as creating a gquery in the gqueries folder. I'm wondering how to format that gquery exactly (syntax wise etc.)?

Exactly right. The Gqueries themselves are actually just Ruby, but with some extra helper methods like MAX, AVG, V, meant to make things easier for modellers and researchers.

To get the price curve, you can do this in a Gquery:


(You can try writing ad-hoc queries here).

However, that's rather ugly for a Gquery file, and exposes a bit too much of ETEngine's internals. Also, we only really want a price curve for the future graph when the merit order is running (the merit order never runs on the present graph, so it won't give any meaningful data).

Instead, you might add a new method in etengine/app/models/gql/runtime/functions/lookup.rb:

# Retrieves the merit order price curve as an Array.
# Returns an empty array if the merit order is not enabled for the current
# graph.
# etc, etc.
  if Qernel::Plugins::MeritOrder.enabled?(scope.graph)

The full Gquery would be very simple:

- unit = EUR

This would be placed in a subdirectory of etsource/gqueries – I expect @jorisberkhout could suggest a suitable place.

grdw commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the pointers. :+1: I'm really new to gqueries and the most fancy one I ever wrote must have been 30 characters long including a really long name of a converter.

Instead, you might add a new method in etengine/app/models/gql/runtime/functions/lookup.rb:

I will. Thanks.

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

meant to make things easier for modellers and researchers :tada:

This would be placed in a subdirectory of etsource/gqueries – I expect @jorisberkhout could suggest a suitable place.

I would suggest to place the Gqueries in etsource/gqueries/output_elements/<chart_type>_<chart_id>_<chart_name>/

antw commented 8 years ago

The Gqueries themselves are actually just Ruby, but with some extra helper methods

I should probably be more precise. :smiley:

Gqueries are the files you see in etsource/queries. These contain a query attribute and, optionally, a unit attribute. They're "ActiveDocument" files just like the others you see in ETSource.

The query attribute inside those files is a string which is evaluated by ETEngine; we call this "GQL". GQL is Ruby with some helper methods.

grdw commented 8 years ago

Instead, you might add a new method in etengine/app/models/gql/runtime/functions/lookup.rb:

Can I just blindly assume this code to be correct and working?

Also there's probably another gquery needed for the load_curves. But I can somehow guess that that will be:

  if Qernel::Plugins::MeritOrder.enabled?(scope.graph)
grdw commented 8 years ago

I would suggest to place the Gqueries in etsource/gqueries/output_elements/__/

I'm assuming you mean



jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

I'm assuming you mean etsource/gqueries/output_elements/output_series/<chart_type>_<chart_id>_<chart_name>/ ?

Correct, my bad!

antw commented 8 years ago

Can I just blindly assume this code to be correct and working?


Also there's probably another gquery needed for the load_curves. But I can somehow guess that that will be:

I think there are two ways to go about that:

  1. Have one query return all the load curves.
  2. Have one query per technology (and an output_element_series in ETModel for each one).

(1) is more future-proof if we add new technologies, but (2) is a much better fit for the way the ETM does things, since you can assign a separate label and colour for each technology without needing any new code.

(1) might look like:

  return {} unless Qernel::Plugins::MeritOrder.enabled?(scope.graph)

  producers = scope.graph.plugin(:merit).order.participants.producers

  producers.each_with_object({}) do |participant, data|
    data[participant.key] = participant.load_curve.to_a

(2) would be something like:

def MERIT_LOAD_CURVES(part_key)
  if Qernel::Plugins::MeritOrder.enabled?(scope.graph)
    if participant = scope.graph.plugin(:merit).order.participants[part_key]
      fail "No such merit order participant: #{ part_key.inspect }"

I lean towards (2) just because it's simpler in ETModel.

grdw commented 8 years ago

I fully trust your judgement in this case. :+1: I'll add it to the PR

grdw commented 8 years ago

Status update:

screen shot 2016-04-22 at 16 16 05 screen shot 2016-04-22 at 16 16 10 screen shot 2016-04-22 at 16 16 19

I'm sort of tending to not start the y-axis at 0 but that might cause some discussion. The select box is working. Selecting a full year can feel a little slow though (we could downsample it). Another thing I just noticed is that the first date is missing from the x-axis.

@antw question: is there a style for a select box in etmodel or? I couldn't really find any except for the select box on the first page (when you select a country etc.).

grdw commented 8 years ago


grdw commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-04-25 at 09 57 00 screen shot 2016-04-25 at 09 57 07

This is Urgenda's scenario. I moved the select box to the right and fixed the interpolation (which caused the spikes above and below the scope of the chart @jorisberkhout). I'll make a PR for this and await feedback.

dennisquintel commented 8 years ago

Great work guys! Could we also add the unit to the chart (I guess it is )?

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

Great work guys! Could we also add the unit to the chart (I guess it is €)?

You beat me to it, @dennisschoenmakers :). The unit on the y-axis should be € / MWh.

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

Other than the y-label, I love the chart, @grdw! Very insightful. I would be happy to hear what @AlexanderWirtz , @ChaelKruip , @antw and @RobTerwel think of it.

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

@ChaelKruip suggested to add the annual average electricity price to this chart, as this is a parameter that is often discussed. This average electricity price should be displayed as a horizontal line with a y-value that is simply the sum of all datapoints in the merit order price curve divided by 8760. Also in week view, the line should display the annual average electricity price (as opposed to the weekly average electricity price).

Adding this line is a nice to have and #2081 and #2082 have priority. Could you look into how much time it would cost to add this line after you have closed #2081 and #2082, @grdw ?

grdw commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-04-25 at 10 32 50

Label is fixed

AlexanderWirtz commented 8 years ago

I like it, but am somewhat concerned by the high prices I am seeing :-)

antw commented 8 years ago

The high prices might be an indication that there is insufficient production to meet demand at those times. When this happens, we take the most expensive producer and multiply its price by 7.22.

dennisquintel commented 8 years ago

Isn't it weird that it is higher than the 'ultimate' fall back price of 600 Euro?

antw commented 8 years ago

600 Euros is used as the fallback price only if the import interconnect is the price-setting producer. Import is not currently connected to Merit.

Prior to the introduction of storage, 600 Euros would be the fallback price only if you had no dispatchable production installed.

dennisquintel commented 8 years ago

Prior to the introduction of storage, 600 Euros would be the fallback price only if you had no dispatchable production installed.

Perhaps the 600 is used in ETMoses when you have not included the Energy Sector in your scaled scenario? Then we might have some local volatile production, and you can end up with 600 EUR/MWh price when there is no dispatchable producer available? cc @ChaelKruip

AlexanderWirtz commented 8 years ago

I LOVE THIS CHART!! Finally we are seeing the effects of assumptions and short cuts like this one about the 7.22 multiplier, which can give funny results

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

I love the progress so far, @grdw . In my view the remaining actionable items are:

grdw commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-04-29 at 16 21 19

I'm using d3.mean function to calculate the average price. I can remember @ChaelKruip talking about wanting a dashed line.

screen shot 2016-04-29 at 16 27 25

I cannot really say that I have a preference though but please tell me what you would like.

ChaelKruip commented 8 years ago

I can remember @ChaelKruip talking about wanting a dashed line.

I ❤️ it @grdw!

But... can you make the dashes bit longer?

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

I prefer the dashed line as well. Could you add a legend to the chart as well? You can assign me for translations.

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

And, just to be sure, when you say:

I'm using d3.mean function to calculate the average price.

This is the average for the entire year and not just the week on display, right?

grdw commented 8 years ago

This is the average for the entire year and not just the week on display, right?

Yes this is for the whole year.

antw commented 8 years ago

Is the average line going into today's deploy? I don't think it's in the PR yet.

If it's not finished I can wait, or we can merge without it and add it later.

jorisberkhout commented 8 years ago

Is the average line going into today's deploy? I don't think it's in the PR yet.

I would like to have it in and have seen it working on @grdw machine. @grdw is the average line ready?

grdw commented 8 years ago

It's not in this PR -> https://github.com/quintel/etmodel/pull/2097 but it is in the other though. I think I can close off this one: https://github.com/quintel/etmodel/pull/2097 and you can just look at: https://github.com/quintel/etmodel/pull/2105