quintel / etmodel

Professional interface of the Energy Transition model.
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Hybrid offshore wind #4290

Closed kndehaan closed 1 week ago

kndehaan commented 2 weeks ago

With this PR the modelling of hybrid offshore wind is added to the ETM. This comes with, among others, the following features:

Goes with:

mabijkerk commented 2 weeks ago

Electricity consumption by the hybrid electrolyser seem to missing from the charts merit_order_hourly_flexibility, hourly_flexibility_electricity, use_of_excess_electricity and installed_flexible_capacities. It also appears to be missing from the table storage_options.

It is up for discussion wether we should also add it to flexibility_integral_costs and co2_intensity_of_hydrogen_production.

kndehaan commented 2 weeks ago

I've added the hybrid offshore electrolyser to the merit_order_hourly_flexibility, hourly_flexibility_electricity, use_of_excess_electricity,installed_flexible_capacities and table storage_options.


kndehaan commented 2 weeks ago

co2_intensity_of_hydrogen_production and flexibility_integral_costs are updated now. Only the flexibility_integral_costs has some layout issues considering the labels. We could consider abbreviating the labels?

kndehaan commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not sure if it's manageable to get the layout of flexibility_intergral_costs right considering labels with P2G offshore added as a new category.


I think if I abbreviate the labels more than this, it becomes rather unclear which categories are presented in the chart (of course we can explain it in the chart description, but the chart on it self should be self explanatory to a certain extend). So I would say either add the hybrid offshore electrolyser to the existing P2G category or omit it from the chart.

@mabijkerk do you have any suggestions or preferences?

mabijkerk commented 2 weeks ago

I think if I abbreviate the labels more than this, it becomes rather unclear which categories are presented in the chart

I agree. I see two valid routes: option 1 is to adjust the chart settings so that text overflow is put in a new line and option 2 to split storage into a second chart. Option 1 would require a dev effort and enhances the overall usability of the chart. Option 2 is interesting because it would allow us to split electricity storage into separate technologies.

However, both options require more effort than seems feasible for this project at this point. I would therefore leave out P2G offshore from this chart, change the existing series to P2G onshore for clarity and note the above as a future improvement. What do you think @kndehaan?

kndehaan commented 2 weeks ago

I agree that option 1 and 2 are currently out of this project's scope (I'll note this as future improvement) and therefore agree to leave out P2G offshore and updating existing series' label. Will process this.

mabijkerk commented 2 weeks ago

It may be good to consistently label "onshore" p2g where relevant. In the chart sankey_electrical_interconnection for example, we have the label p2g and offshore p2g. In the chart source_of_electricity_in_p2g we do not state that this refers to onshore p2g.

mabijkerk commented 1 week ago

I would keep the What's somewhat shorter. The main goal of the What's new is to inform users what new functionality has been added and where to find it. By opening the model they can then explore these new features themselves. For explanations of the functionality itself, the user should be referred to the documentation.

Also note that we typically include a Dutch and English version of any image with text.

Don't forget to also update the What's new box on the homepage:

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10 49 53