quintel / etmoses

Online decision support tool to create local energy situations for neighbourhoods, cities and regions with a time resolution of 15 minutes created and maintained by Quintel – Not maintained
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New topology editor #1484

Closed grdw closed 7 years ago

grdw commented 7 years ago

Initial graphic topology editor.

Closes: #1412 Closes: #1433 Closes: #1432 Closes: #1434

grdw commented 7 years ago

When adding a new node to an existing topology, the "Name" field remains disabled. Naturally the validation fails since I can't enter a name for the node.

Hmmm. yes this was to prevent people from renaming existing nodes. Ofcourse this fix is a little patchy. I'll re-enable the field and figure out something better.

If I add a node and then change my mind, there's no way to remove the node except to refresh the browser and start over.

You can hit the delete key 👍

I managed to fix most of these points. Some of them are still open though like the dragging and

it should not be possible to add child nodes to an endpoint which already has technologies attached.

antw commented 7 years ago

I managed to fix most of these points.

I've got more. Sorry. :cry:

ChaelKruip commented 7 years ago

Another alternative (although more complex) would be for a clicked node to transform into "Add" and "Remove" buttons:

I like that!

grdw commented 7 years ago

Another alternative (although more complex) would be for a clicked node to transform into "Add" and "Remove" buttons:

This is going to be rather ugly (sorry for the honesty here). I'd rather see some sort of pop-up instead when clicking the node, which presents a tiny little interface where you can choose between "add" or "remove". Especially in light of the advanced features which one day might be implemented.

grdw commented 7 years ago

@antw I think this is good to go now 👍 I manage to fix the dragging node problem so I hope all is fine.

antw commented 7 years ago

so I hope all is fine.

Great job @grdw, it's looking a whole lot better now. :+1:

Everything looks good with two exceptions. On the LES topology page (testing_grounds/:id/edit):

grdw commented 7 years ago

Save a;; and view LES" button doesn't seem to save the changes.

I shall take a look.

There appears to be no "add child" / "delete node" popup on the LES topology page; was that intentional?

Yes. It's a bit weird to add a node or remove a node when you're in the LES topology page (you already chose a topology to begin with). Also you can't add an endpoint for that will result in a validation error.

When we're finally going towards #1488 than it would maybe be less of a problem to re-enable the interface for "Adding and removing a node" since every topology is a duplicate anyway and the testing_ground -> technology_profile and topology -> graph columns might be merged into one column.

antw commented 7 years ago

Yes. It's a bit weird to add a node or remove a node when you're in the LES topology page (you already chose a topology to begin with). Also you can't add an endpoint for that will result in a validation error.

I'm not so sure about that. It's an error to delete an endpoint (which might have technologies attached), but adding new ones should be okay.

For example:

Before After
screen shot 2016-10-14 at 12 55 54 screen shot 2016-10-14 at 12 56 23

Technically you can delete an endpoint provided you add a new one with the same name elsewhere in the topology.

This might be a problem if a user wants to create a custom version of one of their own topologies – such as this. Since we don't have a "Save as / clone" button for topologies, it means they'd have to create the topology from scratch every time they want to make a change to the structure.

I'm okay with this if #1488 is something we plan to do very soon. @ChaelKruip?

grdw commented 7 years ago

I'm not so sure about that. It's an error to delete an endpoint (which might have technologies attached), but adding new ones should be okay.

It's not what I currently experience on beta.

screen shot 2016-10-14 at 14 14 03

If I add a new endpoint called Households 4 I'm getting the 'deleted' error. Which is a bit odd, since I added one. 😆

antw commented 7 years ago

This is why. That's an odd validation. 😆

I'm a little worried that the inability to add nodes on the LES page might push visitors into making their changes on the "edit topology" page (topologies/:id/edit) instead. A change there doesn't result in a clone and might break other LESes which also use it.

I still think this is okay as long as #1488 is something we do soon.

grdw commented 7 years ago

This is why. That's an odd validation.

Man... I know I wrote that. Just changing the != into a < makes it actually do what the error message is describing. 😅

I'm also ok with enabling the adding and removing but I purely judged by the inability of adding and removing a node by the error I got and therefor disabled the interface.

I do still want to disable renaming the nodes for each node which has technologies attached to it for that will currently result in errors.

ChaelKruip commented 7 years ago

I'm okay with this if #1488 is something we plan to do very soon. @ChaelKruip?

I think we should! @grdw can you pick that up after this?

antw commented 7 years ago

Looks good now. Merged it! :tada: :cake: