quintel / etmoses

Online decision support tool to create local energy situations for neighbourhoods, cities and regions with a time resolution of 15 minutes created and maintained by Quintel – Not maintained
MIT License
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Pressing "save all and view LES" after selecting a .csv doesn't not save, but does open LES #1526

Closed DorinevanderVlies closed 7 years ago

DorinevanderVlies commented 7 years ago

Pressing "save all and view LES" after selecting a CSV does not save, but does open the LES.

I often automatically press "save all and view LES" after selecting a CSV file. Especially when just a small change was made to the previous CSV I often don't notice that the technology profile was not updated.

This might be a known bug, I have heard @ChaelKruip mention it, but I couldn't find a ticket about it.

ChaelKruip commented 7 years ago

@grdw can you look into this?