quintel / etmoses

Online decision support tool to create local energy situations for neighbourhoods, cities and regions with a time resolution of 15 minutes created and maintained by Quintel – Not maintained
MIT License
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Make it possible to drag market model items to a different position #1573

Closed DorinevanderVlies closed 7 years ago

DorinevanderVlies commented 7 years ago


It would be nice if it was possible to drag a market model item to a different position in the table

This doesn't influence any calculations, but it enhances the clarity of the table.


When making a market model I try to order the items to categorie. For example group all costs that are associated with electricity. When an extra market model item is added it is positioned at the bottom of the table. It often happens that new insights require the addition of a new item to the table that new item might belong to a categorie at the beginning of the table.