quintel / etmoses

Online decision support tool to create local energy situations for neighbourhoods, cities and regions with a time resolution of 15 minutes created and maintained by Quintel – Not maintained
MIT License
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Idea to improve userfriendlyness #596

Open JeroenvdLogt opened 8 years ago

JeroenvdLogt commented 8 years ago

Would it be an idea to make constructioning a topology more easy. I was thinking about linking different existing topologies to eachother.

An existing topology could be connected to an end-node (or also regular node) just like another connection. Perhaps it's even possible to do this in a (simplified) graphical interface of both topologies. This would make construction of topologies much quicker and more complimentary to the building blocks of TKI-SGE.

In this way we can define generic buildingblocks for topologies and less advance users will have better understandings of topologies,

So what I'm asking is:

ChaelKruip commented 8 years ago

I like the idea @JeroenvdLogt!

Does this idea in line with philosophy of Quintel and other partners?

As far as Quintel goes, I think this is in line with our philosophy which is to make a useable and fun tool to solve real problems with! :smile:

Would this extra method more convinient for users?

Yes, I'd think so but we have to answer some questions first (more on that later).

Is this method hard to deploy?

Depends. I think a simple implementation would take about 8 mandays.

Do you have other ideas?

I have some questions:

grdw commented 8 years ago

We could 'draw' the topology?


JeroenvdLogt commented 8 years ago

Sorry for my late reaction. The drawingtool looks great and seems convinient, great work! Two remarks however:

  1. The graph spins around its 'spatial centre'. It is nearly impossible to see the hiearchy in the network because of the spinning. All levels of hiearchy should stay stationary.
  2. Question: first create new node and choose which topology to assign to that node OR sweep a topology from a list to a point where you want to add it to the graph?
grdw commented 8 years ago

Another idea. Do it in the same way as the technologies matrix

Something like this:

Name:     [ HV Network ]                [ + ]
Capacity: [ .. ]
 ↳ Name:  [ MV 2 ]          [ < ] [ > ] [ + ]
    ↳ Name:  [ LV 2 ]       [ < ] [ > ] [ + ]

Where the arrow buttons [ < ] [ > ] move a node up and down the hierarchy.