quintel / etsource

Data source for the Energy Transition Model
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Review of various cost methods #3070

Open kndehaan opened 2 weeks ago

kndehaan commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, the ETM generally makes use of two cost methods:

  1. Mece cost methods These are composed of the capital_expenditures_excluding_ccs_per and operating_expenses_excluding_ccs_per methods for production technologeis. Fuel costs are not accounted for within this cost method. This cost method calculates the system costs.

  2. Levelised production cost methods This method is applied in certain charts or tables that use the total_costs_per method, consisting of among others the variable_costs_per_typical_input, which does take into account the weighted_carrier_cost_per_mj (and thus the fuel costs).

def operating_expenses_excluding_ccs
        fetch(:operating_expenses_excluding_ccs) do
          variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs -
            variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_for_ccs +