quintel / merit

A system for calculating hourly electricity and heat loads with a merit order
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Output of the simulations: what and how? #108

Closed ChaelKruip closed 10 years ago

ChaelKruip commented 10 years ago

This ticket is meant to document the various ways of how to extract the needed information from the simulations.

The requested (by Berenschot consultants) output is:

  1. Electricity price curves for NL and DE (NorNed will be known, GB is simplified as P(NL)+10 EUR / MWh, Belgium is still unclear as well as Denmark)
  2. Load of interconnectors
  3. Volume of import / export

This is how I envision that we get those numbers out of the ETM and Merit:

  1. Electricity price curves: The German electricity price is assumed to be independent of Dutch import or export. Simply running a German scenario for 2023 will give us that. The Dutch electricity price will depend on what Germany and the other countries are doing. We can identify several distinct situations:
    • The NL demand is so high that all virtual supply plants are fully used. The P(NL) is than just determined by the Merit module as it currently works (possibly with the added realism described in https://github.com/quintel/merit/issues/107)
    • The NL demand is fulfilled by using a virtual supply plant. In those hours, P(NL) = P(supply plant). In other words: the Dutch price is completely converged with the price of the connector.
    • The NL demand is so low that the virtual supply plant that represents Germany is not used. This means that NL has capacity left that is cheaper than the German import. This situation will likely not happen very often but it could happen. Here the situation is a bit more involved: NL will start exporting to DE until the German price is reached or the interconnector capacity is fully used. This last case is complex and will (hopefully!) occur only for a handful of hours per year. I suggest we treat this case in post-processing rather than in the Merit module.
  2. Load of interconnectors: For 'demand' interconnectors, this is simple. The demand curve that they are initialised with gives use the load. For 'supply' type interconnectors, the load is calculated by Merit just as for a normal dispatchable plant. The only exception is the last situation described in 1. where DE imports from NL. I suggest we treat this case in post-processing rather than in the Merit module.
  3. Volume of import / export: This follows from the loads by multiplying with the hours in a year.
ChaelKruip commented 10 years ago

Part of https://github.com/quintel/merit/issues/104

ChaelKruip commented 10 years ago
