quintel / merit

A system for calculating hourly electricity and heat loads with a merit order
MIT License
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Merit order seems to overproduce if installed capacities are increased #121

Closed ChaelKruip closed 9 years ago

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

Increasing the installed capacity of dispatchable plants leads to overproduction of eletricity when Merit is on. For example DE 2030. In the default case the balance is perfect (except for the anomaly described in https://github.com/quintel/etengine/issues/716): energy_transition_model_-_your_free__independent__comprehensive__fact-based_scenario_builder_ After increasing the installed capacity of coal plants, there is more produced than needed: energy_transition_model_-_your_free__independent__comprehensive__fact-based_scenario_builder_

Possible things to check:

antw commented 9 years ago

The issue is that the first graph calculation (prior to calculating the merit order) has a surplus of electricity. The reverse share with "energy power sector own use" takes 4% of that... that node is included in the final_demand given to the merit Order.

screen-shot-2014-10-17-at-15 31 14

Turning it into a constant edge (as suggested in etengine#716) solves the problem.

screen shot 2014-10-17 at 15 17 23

If we're not going to make that change (own-use remaining constant despite adding so many new plants seems far-fetched), we'll need to find a way to calculate a custom own-use demand for the merit order.

ChaelKruip commented 9 years ago

Turning it into a constant edge (as suggested in etengine#716) solves the problem.

I was under the impression that we already did that! :open_mouth:

Maybe I tested it locally and never made the pull-request? In any case, I still think that is the best solution for this issue and I can make a pull-request on Monday.