quintel / merit

A system for calculating hourly electricity and heat loads with a merit order
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must runs are not displayed with zero operating costs in graph #49

Closed Richard-Deuchler closed 11 years ago

Richard-Deuchler commented 11 years ago

you find that the green block (must run CHPs) is sticking out above the other producers that have zero marginal costs. Even though the operating costs are displayed as 0,00 they look larger than zero.

pzac commented 11 years ago

This was an old request by Chris: he wanted must_run converters to have a mininum height of 1 pixel and stay visible

Richard-Deuchler commented 11 years ago

ok. I understand that participants should remain visible even though they have 0 operating costs. Nonetheless, must-runs CHPs are displayed differently than other 0-operating-costs-participants like wind. To me, it does not look consistent. Zooming into the graph from above, the green box should have the same height as the ones left of it: Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 09 28 54

pzac commented 11 years ago

Ok I've fixed it. Now the rule is that all bars will have a height proportional to their value; if the height is < 2px then I make it 2px anyhow (to prevent invisibile items). The must_run is 2px tall.