quintel / merit

A system for calculating hourly electricity and heat loads with a merit order
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adding EU27 total_demand profile to merit repository #94

Closed Richard-Deuchler closed 10 years ago

Richard-Deuchler commented 10 years ago

The original curves (per country and per month) have been downloaded from ENTSO-E, see https://www.entsoe.eu/db-query/consumption/mhlv-all-countries-for-a-specific-month We consider 26 out of the 27 EU countries, only Malta is missing.

We add all EU load curves together, unit: MW.

It turns out that there is one datapoint missing in the database, we deal with that by interpolating from the one value left and right (datapoint 2042). [Edit: there is one hour missing in March (daylight savings) and an additional hour in October - this got corrected below, see https://github.com/quintel/merit/commit/52c21a76a32497b2248bea068dab86685f6e3862)

See Dropbox/Quintel/Projects/Restructure Research Dataset/EU27 project/source analyses/12_merit_order/ENTSO-E/demand_curves/plot_average_loadcurves.py (Thanks to @jorisberkhout )

It turns out that the sum of the EU_load curve equals 3.33701 GWh. The "merit_order_total_electricity_demand" in a default EU scenario is 3.25069 GWh, so we are doing pretty well.

We normalised the EU_total_demand curve to 1/3600 and saved it in windows-formatted CSV file, 15 digits, scientific writing :sunglasses:

dennisquintel commented 10 years ago

@Richard-Deuchler: Will only the demand curve be different?. Please chip in @ChaelKruip and @AlexanderWirtz if you want to participate in this discussion.

ChaelKruip commented 10 years ago

Will only the demand curve be different?

@dennisschoenmakers what else do you expect to change? What is the background of your question?

dennisquintel commented 10 years ago

Will only the demand curve be different? @dennisschoenmakers what else do you expect to change? What is the background of your question?

Well the demand profile is nothing more than an instance of a LoadProfile. If that specific type of LoadProfile can vary per area, maybe other profiles can also vary?

Currently, LoadProfiles cannot vary per area. The code should be adapted for this, so I would like to hear your requirements and scope first. Let's have a meeting on this with @Richard-Deuchler, @AlexanderWirtz and @ChaelKruip. I suggest we discuss this at the modeling meeting of tomorrow.

AlexanderWirtz commented 10 years ago

The following profiles should be country dependent: demand profiles must-run profiles renewable profiles

That is pretty much all profiles, right @dennisschoenmakers

dennisquintel commented 10 years ago

Closing this pul request. Cf. #638.