I want to add a hive partition to the standalone metastore using Python's HiveMetastoreClient with a custom path. So, in other words, I want to reproduce hive command
alter table table_name add partition(dt='2022051705') location '2022/05/17/05';
I use the following code but it creates partition with default path 'bucket_name/table_name/dt=2022051704' (it creates new folder) instead of 'bucket_name/table_name/2022/05/17/04' where files are stored
Additional question. Why is it required to specify columns list in StorageDescriptorBuilder although columns had been determined when the table was created?
I want to add a hive partition to the standalone metastore using Python's HiveMetastoreClient with a custom path. So, in other words, I want to reproduce hive command
alter table table_name add partition(dt='2022051705') location '2022/05/17/05';
I use the following code but it creates partition with default path 'bucket_name/table_name/dt=2022051704' (it creates new folder) instead of 'bucket_name/table_name/2022/05/17/04' where files are storedAdditional question. Why is it required to specify columns list in StorageDescriptorBuilder although columns had been determined when the table was created?