quiqueck / BetterNether

BetterNether Mod
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[Bug] Endless wither skeleton-spawning in Nether city causing insane Lag #152

Open BruhMoment12312 opened 1 year ago

BruhMoment12312 commented 1 year ago

What happened?

I found a nther city sitting above a lava ocean And it spawns these wither skeletons covered in netherite armour non-stop, there is around 200 of them now because the city is right next to my nether portal and it spawns some of them everytime I have to do something in the nether this is lagging my game out and my some of my friends joining my world will just straight up crash image image My mods image image image





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quiqueck commented 1 year ago

Hm, this is just a regular entity Spawner (same as in a dungeon). I could tweak the values, but the issue would eventually turn up again if the area is permanently loaded and the entities are allowed to walk away from the spawners...

To be hones, I am not sure if this is really a Bug, as it is just the intended behaviour of the spawners. But if you have a solution im mind, I will consider it

purejosh commented 4 months ago

The solution is to remove the spawners entirely and use structure bounding box spawning. The same way nether fortresses are done.