quiqueck / BetterNether

BetterNether Mod
19 stars 25 forks source link

[Bug] Old Fungiwoods/Nether Mushroom Forests not generating correctly #222

Open Resivore opened 3 weeks ago

Resivore commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

These biomes are generating essentially as nether wastes with mushrooms on the walls.





Fabric API


Fabric Loader




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Other Mods

Not sure how to get a full fledged list. Regions unexplored is the only other biome mod, though.
Verdigris7 commented 2 weeks ago

Try using default world generation instead of BetterX, I have the same issue.

Resivore commented 2 weeks ago

Try using default world generation instead of BetterX, I have the same issue.

Do you happen to know how to accomplish this with an existing world? I modified the level.dat file swapping the bclib:betterx to minecraft:noise in the nether dimension as well as deleted the dim-1 folder but the issue persisted.

Generating a new world your fix worked, though! In any case thank you regardless of if you have any more answers.

Verdigris7 commented 2 weeks ago

I have no clue sorry, I'm hoping for a patch and then I’ll make a railway to some new chunks for my survival world lol. Glad i could help some