quiqueck / BetterNether

BetterNether Mod
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[Bug Compatibility] Vanilla Biomes Don't Generate Properly with Regions Unexplored + BetterNether #225

Open Verdigris7 opened 2 weeks ago

Verdigris7 commented 2 weeks ago

What happened?

Version 1.20.1

Modlist: BCLib 3.0.14 Better Nether 9.0.10 TerraBlender Regions Unexplored (Fabric) 0.5.5+1.20.1

Warped Forest, Crimson Forest, and Soul sand valley generate as nether wastes when these mods are installed together. The betternether old warped trees and crimson glow forest trees generate fine, but vanilla warped and crimson trees as well as the entire soul sand valley don't generate.

I tested without Regions Unexplored to see if it was a terrablender issue, generation was fine. I also tested with only BcLib/BetterNether installed and generation was still fine.

Together, vanilla biomes look like this:

Crimson Forest 2024-06-18_19 49 11 Soul Sand Valley 2024-06-18_19 50 12 2024-06-18_19 50 17

UPDATE: I tested again with all the mods together without using the BetterX worldtype and vanilla biomes generated as they should, so it looks like BcLib is the cause. To clarify, this isn't fixed. I was using BetterX worldtype previously, now with default world generation the vanilla biomes are spawning properly, with their BetterNether additions.

Crimson Forest 2024-06-18_19 54 41 Soul Sand Valley 2024-06-18_20 12 01





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Regions Unexplored (Fabric) 0.5.5+1.20.1
Verdigris7 commented 2 weeks ago

IDK if using default world generation will cause other issues with better nether, if not it's a good workaround for now. Unless you already have a BetterX world you're invested in.