Open Xiang-Q1u opened 5 months ago
This problem is shared with BetterEnd, fwiw. It's a problem with the BetterX world type found in the BCLib library.
As a possible workaround, you can edit your world's level.dat to use the worldgen data taken from a fresh world, but given that there are still serious problems with the current worldgen (no end caves, for example), I'd hols off.
Update to this bug: Today, after the official 1.21 releases of these mods, this bug is still present. HOWEVER. The fix above me also still works. Only side effect of it that i can see so far is that your world will change its name to whatever world you replaced its level.dat with, but this is easily fixable in-game.
What happened?
1.21 better nether will cause the world upgraded from 1.20.4 unable to enter the nether portal from the overworld. When you go into the portal, the sight will become purple and distorted, but the portal will not send you to the nether. If you are originally in the nether in the 1.20.4 world and open the world in 1.21, you will be in the overworld with your previous nether coordinates.
Simply creating a portal in a world created by 1.21 will not generate such problem.
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