Found out that this mod is incompatible with the Supplementaries mod, due to "loading the Sheets class too early". In similar errors, the mod author has said it is a result of other mods loading classes too early (source:
"net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.common.utils.VibeChecker$BadModError: Some OTHER mod loaded the Sheets class to early, causing modded banner patterns and sherds textures to not include modded ones.
Refusing to proceed further."
Thought it would be good for the mod author here to know, as well as anyone who may experience this issue in the future.
Found out that this mod is incompatible with the Supplementaries mod, due to "loading the Sheets class too early". In similar errors, the mod author has said it is a result of other mods loading classes too early (source:
debug.log "net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.common.utils.VibeChecker$BadModError: Some OTHER mod loaded the Sheets class to early, causing modded banner patterns and sherds textures to not include modded ones. Refusing to proceed further."
Thought it would be good for the mod author here to know, as well as anyone who may experience this issue in the future.