quirkey / resque-status

resque-status is an extension to the resque queue system that provides simple trackable jobs.
MIT License
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Respect the queue name passed to Job#scheduled for resque-scheduler #78

Closed noahd1 closed 12 years ago

noahd1 commented 12 years ago

There appears to be a bug when using resque-status with resque-scheduler that can cause jobs to be enqueued to the wrong queue.

This happens in the case where a developer defines the queue name not in the Job class itself (with a class variable or class method), but in a hash or yaml definition that is used to configure resque-scheduler. It appears that the resque-scheduler's README, where it talks about using resque-scheduler with resque-status, has an example like this, a case where the queue name would not be respected. From the resque-scheduler README:


Let's pretend we have a JobWithStatus class called FakeLeaderboard

class FakeLeaderboard < Resque::JobWithStatus
  def perform
    # do something and keep track of the status

And then a schedule:

  cron: "30 6 * * 1"
  queue: scoring
  custom_job_class: FakeLeaderboard
  rails_env: demo
  description: "This job will auto-create leaderboards for our online demo and the status will update as the worker makes progress"

If your extension doesn't support scheduled job, you would need to extend the custom job class to support the #scheduled method:

module Resque
  class JobWithStatus
    # Wrapper API to forward a Resque::Job creation API call into
    # a JobWithStatus call.
    def self.scheduled(queue, klass, *args)


In the above example, the actual queue that the job would be enqueud to is "statused", the default queue that Resque::JobWithStatus defines, and not "scoring" as the user would expect. You can see this is the case because the implementation of Job::scheduled above, taken from resque-status, does nothing with the queue name it is given. The disregard for the queue name makes me think for a second that it's intentional, but I can't think of why that would be.

This patch passes along the queue name that resque-scheduler passes in, so that the job is enqueued to the expected queue.