quirkey / vegas

Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps.
MIT License
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kill command: custom --pid-file option ignored if --kill placed before #2

Closed gentooboontoo closed 14 years ago

gentooboontoo commented 14 years ago

"app --pid-file /tmp/app.pid --kill" works but not "app --kill --pid-file /tmp/app.pid" (pid file not found, vegas look for the default one).

That's because kill is called when parsing options and before custom pid-file been set.

a solution could be a "kill" flag and then call kill after all options have been parsed.

quirkey commented 14 years ago

Kill after all options have been parsed. Closed by 79b2bf59558189ef46efa20dd4875decbe74d8d7