quisquous / cactbot

FFXIV TypeScript Raiding Overlay
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Old Content Timelines (request for help!) #414

Open quisquous opened 5 years ago

quisquous commented 5 years ago

Cactbot currently does not have timelines or triggers for quite a number of pieces of old content. Every once in a while, folks ask to support old content, but I really just don't have time to get around to these myself. It probably takes me ~2 hours to create a good timeline for a single trial. Things like Orbonne took me an entire weekend.

If you want to pitch in and create timelines for old content, attaching zipped up Network log files from running that content to this issue will make it a lot easier for me or other people to make timelines from.


You can see the full list of existing timelines here: https://github.com/quisquous/cactbot/tree/master/ui/raidboss/data/timelines

If you want to make a timeline yourself, run https://github.com/quisquous/cactbot/tree/master/util/make_timeline.py. Take a look at https://github.com/quisquous/cactbot/blob/master/docs/TimelineGuide.md as a guide for making timelines. If you get stuck, leave a comment here or your discord info and I'm happy to help you walk through it.

in progress

coils of bahamut


dungeon bosses ARR primals story, hard and easy ARR 24 person raids HW 24 person raids HW primals: story, hard, some extremes HW raid normal modes HW raid savages could use better timelines SB hard primals fights


ultimates HW savage raids SB raids, normal and savage SB primal extremes

werewolfboy13 commented 5 years ago

I am willing to learn how to do it. werewolfboy13#0666

quisquous commented 5 years ago

@werewolfboy13 first step is to run the content you want to make a timeline for several times in ACT, and then zip up your Network log file and attach it here, and then I can help you from there

andrewgxp commented 5 years ago

Hey @quisquous

I'd very much like to help! I'm a Linux System Admin and feel confident that I can assist you with getting this old content, and new content into Cactbot as it comes.

I'm getting an argument error from line 250 using the make_timeline.py script. Anything else required besides the --file $log_location? I'm not incredibly familiar with Python, I get away with Bash a lot of the times in my job lol.

My Discord is Riri#8390. Give me a friend request and we'll go over a few things to make sure I understand the setup! Then I should be able to help clear that list with you!

Neukmonk commented 5 years ago

Hello i'd very much like to learn how to do this, i've been looking over for a while trying to find a source. Me and my casual wow refugee FC have been working through the old ARR extreme trials each sunday for a few weeks now and I want to try and contribute to our team with timelines.

Discord: Nukemonk#4260

quisquous commented 5 years ago

First step is to run the trial (unsynced) and try to see all the mechanics you can (natural pushes, enrages, etc). This might require multiple runs. If there are things that require multiple people to see the mechanic properly (e.g. titan ex needs probably three since there are two jails and a pushback) then bring those people. Once you have a Network log file, I'm happy to assist with making a timeline.

Neukmonk commented 5 years ago

Hello, i collected a timeline for titan ex. I got what i believe to be the start of the fight and the end. I'll include what i cut and the original network file. Thanks for your help.

Network_20190613.log titan fight start to finish.txt

NielsH commented 5 years ago


I'd like to help out with this for triggers + timelines. I've worked on some bossmods before but that was with LUA Addons and this is quite a bit different :-)

I've made an attempt at the first boss of Saint Mocianne's Arboretum - however... it does not work correctly. First timer is okayish but after that it gets out of sync. See gist with network data: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/NielsH/dbcb87eef32aa5f3cb1ada22d6f0b23e/raw/2982bde2217e78e2fa74e5270aa1e5d4c4db5015/gistfile1.txt

And my attempt: https://github.com/NielsH/cactbot/commit/0ff54923974862bf39fd4852a4421fb64697e7c1

So my goal here is: Give a timer + warning for when to hide behind the boss. This is when he casts "Extremely Bad Breath". The timing of this seems a bit different every time so I cannot just loop. But it seems that 15 seconds after the "Vine Probe" mobs spawn he does this. So my goal was: once the Vine probe mobs spawn, display a 15 second timer to indicate when he will do Extremely Bad Breath. This will repeat several times throughout the fight.

quisquous commented 5 years ago

@Neukmonk Thanks for the log. I'm having some issues loading it properly in ACT which I haven't ever had with a log before. I sent you a friend request on discord and maybe we can sort it out.

@NielsH I think what I would recommend here is for you to make a timeline and then make a timeline trigger rather than a normal trigger. If you have a full timeline, you can do something like this https://github.com/quisquous/cactbot/blob/master/ui/raidboss/data/triggers/orbonne_monastery.js#L15 that matches against the timeline instead of the log.

I'm working on a guide for making timelines, but if I save your gist in a file called arb.txt, and then run the following from cactbot: python util/make_timeline.py -f arb.txt -s 13:44:03.000 -e 13:48:48.000 I get a timeline out.

It looks like there's a bunch of abilities that are redundant, so you might also do something like: python util/make_timeline.py -f arb.txt -s 13:44:03.000 -e 13:48:48.000 -ii 1470 1469 146E 14C4 146F to cut down on a bunch of abilities that you don't care about. I'm not sure what Earthy Breath is, but maybe that should be in the timeline.

Neukmonk commented 5 years ago

Hello, thank you for replying. me and my FC did just spend another morning / afternoon (we are mixed EU / US) on Titan EX so I've got some fresh logs to look at with more natural timings. I've left my ACT open in hope you'll reply soon and we can go from here with this new log file. I've saved it as a .txt incase it crashes.

I've not received a friend request from you, Nukemonk#4260 was the name.

We have a file in which we got to the 'hard enrage' overlap where he puts down bombs everywhere and wiped just before he did his explosion and the bombs burst. Got so close D: !

Edit: i just found how i can export as .act but it won't let me give it to you here so here is a wetransfer link with it https://we.tl/t-r299C9O11b

quisquous commented 5 years ago

To help folks who are interested, here's a timeline guide that I wrote: https://github.com/quisquous/cactbot/blob/master/docs/TimelineGuide.md

Rukongai commented 5 years ago

Hey - i'm interested in helping fill in old and upcoming content for cactbot. I plan on figuring out how to generate the timelines myself (systems admin life)

Do you have a discord server? I feel that would be a solid resource. Answering questions, organizing content generation, etc.

quisquous commented 5 years ago

There's not a cactbot discord server, largely because I don't really have time to moderate such a space. I'm in the fflogs #act-stuff channel and the ACT_FFXIV server which are good places to ask questions about timelines and triggers, both cactbot and otherwise.

quisquous commented 4 years ago

If anybody is still thinking about writing timelines, I think the most important (selfishly) would be to add Alexander Savage timelines and triggers. These timelines are by other people and don't match the same format as most other timelines so are harder to translate and work with. Also selfishly, I'll probably go run some of this as 8 blu min ilvl, so it'd be nice to have timelines.

See also: #989.