Closed MoumantaiMomo closed 4 years ago
What ffxiv act plugin version are you using? cactbot prints out a bunch of version numbers in the overlay plugin log, can you paste that here?
this ? OriginalFilename: FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll FileVersion: ProductVersion: FileDescription: ACT Plugin for Final Fantasy XIV LegalCopyright: © 2019 Ravahn
The latest FFXIV patch added new memory protections to the game exe. Some people have had problems with FFXIV_ACT_Plugin v2.0.4.9 as a result.
Can you try using this release instead and seeing if it fixes the problem?
nope, no changes =/
nope, no changes =/
Okay, was worth a try.
this ? OriginalFilename: FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll FileVersion: ProductVersion: FileDescription: ACT Plugin for Final Fantasy XIV LegalCopyright: © 2019 Ravahn
That's not the log @quisquous was looking for, they mean the log at the bottom of the OverlayPlugin.dll tab.
[27.12.2019 00:30:13] Info: InitPlugin: Initialized.
[27.12.2019 00:30:14] Info: cactbot: C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl\cactbot-0.13.5\cactbot\CactbotOverlay.dll (dir: C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl\cactbot-0.13.5\cactbot)
[27.12.2019 00:30:14] Info: OverlayPlugin: C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl\OverlayPlugin.dll
[27.12.2019 00:30:14] Info: FFXIV Plugin: C:\Users\Momo\AppData\Roaming\Advanced Combat Tracker\Plugins\FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll
[27.12.2019 00:30:14] Info: ACT: C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Combat Tracker\Advanced Combat Tracker.exe
[27.12.2019 00:30:14] Info: Language: en
[27.12.2019 00:30:14] Info: Version: intl
[27.12.2019 00:30:15] Info: LoadAddons: CactbotOverlay.dll: Initialized
[27.12.2019 00:30:24] Error: Exception in SendFastRateEvents: Nur ein Teil der ReadProcessMemory- oder WriteProcessMemory-Anforderung wurde abgeschlossen
[27.12.2019 00:30:24] Error: Stack: bei System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)
bei System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetFirstModuleInfo(Int32 processId)
bei System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule()
bei Cactbot.FFXIVProcess.<>c.1.MoveNext() bei System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable
1 source)
bei Cactbot.FFXIVProcess.FindProcess()
bei Cactbot.CactbotEventSource.SendFastRateEvents()
bei Cactbot.CactbotEventSource.1.MoveNext() bei System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable
1 source)
bei Cactbot.FFXIVProcess.FindProcess()
bei Cactbot.CactbotEventSource.SendFastRateEvents()
bei Cactbot.CactbotEventSource.
this then?
@MoumantaiMomo Are you running ACT as an administrator?
should, like i said it has been absolutely fine for the past years, its set to always run as admin, but ill try doing it manually, gimme a sec. =<
should, like i said it has been absolutely fine for the past years
I understand. It's the latest patch of FFXIV that's changed permissions regarding accessing its game memory that's causing things to break.
okay, restarted act as admin and the game, that wasnt it, log looks like this now: [27.12.2019 01:00:27] Info: InitPlugin: PluginDirectory = C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl [27.12.2019 01:00:27] Info: InitPlugin: Initialized. [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: cactbot: C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl\cactbot-0.13.5\cactbot\CactbotOverlay.dll (dir: C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl\cactbot-0.13.5\cactbot) [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: OverlayPlugin: C:\Users\Momo\Desktop\cactbot\ngdl\OverlayPlugin.dll [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: FFXIV Plugin: C:\Users\Momo\AppData\Roaming\Advanced Combat Tracker\Plugins\FFXIV_ACT_Plugin.dll [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: ACT: C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Combat Tracker\Advanced Combat Tracker.exe [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: Language: en [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: Version: intl [27.12.2019 01:00:28] Info: LoadAddons: CactbotOverlay.dll: Initialized
Have the errors from before stopped coming up in that log?
ye, entered titan ex just now nothin showed up, but log didnt change either. it still looks like what i posted just now.
We're getting there! Those errors would be stopping Cactbot from working. Can you screenshot the FFXIV Settings Debug Messages from here:
Your FFXIV_ACT_Plugin isn't printing any of the expected log lines, which suggests it isn't able to find the game process at all. The problem lies there by the looks of it..
okay, but dont i need the plugin to parse in the game at all, cause well dps parser works fine =O, well the mopimopi one i use is, cactbot one not xD
oof, reupped the plugin, looks like this now: but well cactbot still hates me =<
Can you show your raidboss overlay settings in the OverlayPlugin.dll tab?
If you load the cactbot test overlay (cactbot/ui/test/test.html
), what does that show for you?
If you do a /countdown 5
in summerford farms, does the timeline start properly?
countdown in summerford does nothing, test overlay looks like this:
okay, erm i reinstalled everything (left mopi mopi out) and its working now, idk what the issue was, but ill just wont use mopi overlay for a bit and see how it goes. but so far eerythings working again now =D
Glad you got it sorted. Sorry for all the hassle!
hey, never had an issue with patches before, im using the mopi mopi overlay. so the last patch completely destroyed my mopi, cactbot worked fine meanwhile. so i went and reinstalled mopi mopi again just to find out cactbot stopped working. so i went and reinstalled it. but didnt fix my problem im usually usiing the oopsy raidsy overlay and raidboss sometimes, both stopped working. yes the zip's are unblocked. i followed all the steps in the guide when i reinstalled it, afaik at least. any idea what could cause my problem? parsing from network is active, game language is english just as my act settings. the dps overlay isnt working either, so maybe a problem with the rainbow mage overlay? (i unblocked that too before unpacking)