quivings / Solara

46 stars 29 forks source link

There appears to be a good virus #6

Closed scar17off closed 1 month ago

scar17off commented 1 month ago

I discovered that there was a potential security threat in the file you provided, but I was able to address it before any harm was done.

Files from repo Bootstrap file

Your executor contains intriguing requests to ip-api.com and ipinfo.io. Additionally, there are suspicious requests present that may indicate the presence of a token grabber or TikTok checker. Special thanks to Laix3 for thoroughly reviewing the activity within the file.

Thank you for your cooperation. Please refrain from sharing any harmful files.

quivings commented 1 month ago

Wowee what a yap sesh

scar17off commented 1 month ago

Wowee what a yap sesh

I just wanted to make sure that your files are safe for people to download and use. If you have any questions or concerns about the security issue I mentioned, I'm happy to talk about it more.

scar17off commented 1 month ago

Could you please confirm if this is the website where the logo originated from? I found that the icon is labeled as "kisspng-zenith-service-company-business-5b00cd394f53e9.4955940715267791933249-20-1--20-1-.png".

Снимок экрана 2024-05-23 104322

Next time, please remember to include a link to the website where you sourced the icons to avoid any potential copyright issues. Thank you.